Woman Shares How to Avoid a Toxic Workplace When Job Hunting

It can some­times be hard to spot a tox­ic work­place at the inter­view stage, but for­tu­nate­ly, Tik­Tok account @valla.uk is help­ing view­ers spot the red flags by ask­ing some reveal­ing ques­tions.

The Tik­Tok account is owned by a com­pa­ny that con­sid­ers itself a new to nav­i­gate employ­ment issues. In the video, a woman shares a “killer inter­view ques­tion” when apply­ing for jobs.

“So on my chan­nel, I’m usu­al­ly talk­ing about the tox­ic work envi­ron­ments,” the woman in the video .

“We spe­cial­ize in help­ing peo­ple stand up to employ­ers who have behaved ille­gal­ly, dis­crim­i­nat­ed against peo­ple, harass peo­ple, etc.,” she con­tin­ues. “But that also means that I’ve learned a lot about how to try and avoid tox­ic employ­ers.”

Accord­ing to the , one ques­tion helps you get a good under­stand­ing of whether you’ll be walk­ing into the of envi­ron­ment where “you’re not going to have a great time.”

“Here’s the ques­tion: tell me about the per­son on your team that is the most dif­fer­ent from you,” she says.

The Tik­Tok­er explains that if the inter­view­er leans for­ward and gets real­ly excit­ed about how this oth­er per­son is so dif­fer­ent, and they “val­ue how dif­fer­ent they are, and they com­ple­ment each oth­er skills, that’s a good sign.”

On the oth­er side of it, “if they tell you that they just don’t under­stand the oth­er per­son and that they real­ly think it’s a prob­lem and they dis­miss them, that’s a bad sign,” she con­tin­ues.

@valla.uk My killer inter­view ques­tion for avoid­ing 🚩tox­ic work­places🚩 #tox­i­c­work­place #inter­viewtips ♬ orig­i­nal sound – Val­la

Com­menters were very recep­tive to this idea, with one say­ing, “Great advice – espe­cial­ly for me because I’m usu­al­ly this “dif­fer­ent” per­son in the team.”

The Tik­Tok received over 968,000 views, with many view­ers shar­ing exam­ples of their own expe­ri­ences and tox­ic work­places.

“Tell me what you have changed recent­ly based on feed­back from your team,” is a ques­tion one com­menter sug­gest­ed peo­ple ask since it, “tells [you] a lot about their val­ues.”

Anoth­er com­menter sug­gest­ed the ques­tion, “What’s your favorite thing about work­ing here, exclud­ing pay and ben­e­fits?” They that if they speak about the com­pa­ny, the atmos­phere, and their col­leagues, those are all good signs. “But if they say ‘the cus­tomers, pay, ben­e­fits, etc’, it’s not a good work­place,” they wrote.

The Dai­ly Dot has reached out to the cre­ator via Tik­Tok com­ment.

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*First Pub­lished: Jul 30, 2022, 8:11 am CDT

Charlotte Colombo


Char­lotte is a chron­i­cal­ly online jour­nal­ist with bylines in out­lets like Insid­er, Rolling Stone, Dazed, , and The Inde­pen­dent.

Charlotte colomboCharlotte colombo

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