Is video worth a thousand job postings? – Job Board Doctor

Jobboardgeek podcastIn this episode of Job­Board­Geek, we talk to Bri­an For­rester of about how his com­pa­ny turns text job ads into videos – at scale. With job ads often run­ning to 300 words or (much) more, can­di­date engage­ment can be dif­fi­cult. Jeff Dick­ey-Chasins of Job­Board­Doc­tor and Steven Roth­berg of Col­lege  dis­cov­er how Lumi­na turns those ads into videos that can increase engage­ment – and appli­ca­tions. Jeff also puz­zles over JobIndex’s com­plaint against Google for Jobs in Europe, and Steven (as always) has answers.

========A mes­sage from our spon­sor!===========

Job­sIn­dex, the largest source of organ­ic job vacan­cies, is updat­ed dai­ly. Request a sam­ple feed tai­lored to your niche and start dri­ving more can­di­dates to your job board today.




0:00:36.6 JD: Hel­lo every­one, and wel­come to Job­Board­Geek. It’s the pod­cast about the of con­nect­ing can­di­dates and employ­ers. I’m Jeff Dick­ey-Chasins, the Job­Board­Doc­tor. I am your host, and I have with me the bub­bly, Steven Roth­berg of Col­lege Recruiter. He’s the co-host. Hey Steven, how are you doing?




0:00:55.9 Steven Roth­berg: I don’t know if any­body’s ever called me bub­bly before, so I guess I’m take that as a com­pli­ment. Burp.


0:01:01.9 JD: Yeah, you’re like the cham­pagne of co-hosts, you know? So, [laugh­ter] that’s… I had some oth­er adjec­tives that hon­est­ly I did not think were appro­pri­ate for the PG lev­el of this pod­cast, so I’ll stick with bub­bly.


0:01:14.0 SR: Aww.


0:01:15.5 JD: But any­way, [chuck­le] today we have as our guest, Bri­an For­rester of Lumi­na. Lumi­na is not a job board, but I think you’re gonna be pret­ty inter­est­ed to find out what Lumi­na is and does. We’ll get to him in a sec­ond, but first of all, Steven, I just want­ed to talk about an arti­cle that came out a cou­ple of weeks ago from our friends at the AIM group, they announced that Jobindex has actu­al­ly filed a for­mal com­plaint to the EU Com­mis­sion request­ing that a case be ini­ti­at­ed against Google for abus­ing its dom­i­nant posi­tion. And they talked to Jobindex Founder and CEO, Kaare Daniel­son. And he said that he expects the com­mis­sion to act accord­ing to the prece­dent that it set in a pre­vi­ous case involv­ing Google shop­ping that cost the com­pa­ny $2.5 bil­lion.


0:02:01.5 JD: And in fact, Google has already been fined more than $8.5 bil­lion for var­i­ous anti-trust breach­es in the EU. Now, I think this was kind of inter­est­ing, because Daniel­son’s posi­tion and Jobindex, I should say, is a Dan­ish job board. It’s one of the very first aggre­ga­tors, pos­si­bly the first aggre­ga­tor out there. Been around since the mid ’90s. Their posi­tion is that Jobindex has lost a sig­nif­i­cant amount of traf­fic once Google For Jobs was intro­duced in Den­mark. And I found this kind of inter­est­ing, because in my expe­ri­ence with the vast major­i­ty of my clients, no mat­ter where they’re locat­ed, when Google For Jobs in, if the job board par­tic­i­pates by chang­ing their jobs to the Google schema, they typ­i­cal­ly see a lift in traf­fic, and it can be any­where from 15% to 30% lift.


0:02:53.7 JD: I think what’s hap­pen­ing here is that these com­pa­nies are regain­ing traf­fic that they lost to large aggre­ga­tors like Indeed. Well, in that sense, what Jobindex is doing makes sense, ’cause they are an aggre­ga­tor, they’re essen­tial­ly act­ing like Indeed in the Dan­ish mar­ket, and so of course it would make sense, they’re los­ing traf­fic, the lit­tle guys are gain­ing traf­fic. But any­way, I think that Kaare is prob­a­bly right. They’re prob­a­bly… That Google is prob­a­bly gonna get fined again just because the EU just does­n’t like this sort of stuff, but I don’t know. What do you think, Steven?


0:03:26.3 SR: Well, the fines that Google has had is kind of like pock­et change that you or I might find in our couch. [laugh­ter] I real­ly don’t think any­body there looks at the fines that they’ve had from the EU as any­thing more than just a pret­ty insignif­i­cant cost of doing busi­ness. It’s a round­ing error. If the EU is real­ly intent on mak­ing Google change its busi­ness prac­tices, the fines are gonna have to be expo­nen­tial­ly larg­er. Per­son­al­ly, I don’t see that hap­pen­ing.


0:03:54.6 JD: Well, don’t for­get though Steven that a lot of peo­ple spec­u­lat­ed that Google killed Google Hire their ATS in reac­tion to the fines and legal actions in the EU. And I think that the fine is just a sig­nal, because the EU can levy more and more fines if they still find Google in breach, so.


0:04:14.9 SR: Yeah. Yeah, no, absolute­ly. And Google has a long his­to­ry of rolling out prod­ucts, see­ing if they stick. If they don’t stick, they allow them to fail fast and they move out. I mean, social media plat­form that Google has ever launched, and there are like 187 of them or some­thing. [chuck­le] I mean, they’ve been around for a cou­ple of years to great fan­fare, peo­ple love them. And then they’re killed. When I look at the Jobindex thing, and I know that some com­pa­nies like Step­Stone were pret­ty active in some pre­vi­ous com­plaints about this, it seems to me that these com­pa­nies have been real fans of Google when Google has been a fan of theirs.


0:04:57.3 JD: Right.


0:04:57.9 SR: But when Google is no longer a fan of theirs, that all of a sud­den Google’s the bad guy. So you know, if you’re gonna play with Google, and I think you should, then play with them, don’t try to put that Black Hat SEO hat on, you know, where you’re try­ing to trick Google. If you make your site con­tent, your page set­up, your nav­i­ga­tion, the schema that Google has pub­lished, if all of that is set up so that it is ben­e­fi­cial to the user, then Google is gonna like you. If Jobindex is not set up to be as ben­e­fi­cial to the user as some of the small­er sites in Den­mark, then, I don’t know about you, but I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it. It’s not that I dis­like Jobindex, not at all, they do a lot of real­ly great things, but so do some oth­er sites. And if some of the oth­er sites are being more inno­v­a­tive and being more can­di­date-friend­ly, I think they should be reward­ed.


0:05:56.7 JD: Yeah, I think that’s a good point. And again, I would say in North Amer­i­ca and some of the oth­er mar­kets that I work in, the sites that have ben­e­fit­ed from this have been niche sites, not gen­er­al­ist sites, and…


0:06:07.6 SR: Yeah.


0:06:08.6 JD: You can argue… I would argue that niche sites often serve can­di­dates bet­ter than gen­er­al­ist sites, just by design.


0:06:16.8 SR: We get about 5% to 10% of our traf­fic from Google For Jobs, and that’s up almost 100% from before Google For Jobs. So it’s not insignif­i­cant to us, but it’s also not at all make it or break it. Or, “Wow, did we ever have a ton of traf­fic, and boy, is this gonna be a fan­tas­tic month for us because of Google For Jobs.” So we don’t wan­na lose it, but I don’t know of any site out there that’s depen­dent on it.


0:06:46.9 JD: No.


0:06:47.7 SR: There were some that were depen­dent like Indeed, and I guess Jobindex on the pre Google For Jobs, where they were depen­dent on that free traf­fic. And now I guess the play­ing field is start­ing to lev­el a lit­tle bit more and when the play­ing field is lev­el­ing, that’s hurt­ing some of these old­er play­ers.


0:07:09.2 JD: Yeah. Well, good point. Not that any­one at the EU or Google is lis­ten­ing to us, so we’ll just see what hap­pens. Any­way, today we have on Job­Board­Geek, Bri­an For­rester of Lumi­na. Bri­an, wel­come to the pod.


0:07:20.4 Bri­an For­rester: Hey, thank you for hav­ing me. I appre­ci­ate it. I’m excit­ed to be here.


0:07:23.2 JD: Yeah, we’re hap­py to have you here too. To start out, I was won­der­ing if you could just tell us a lit­tle bit about Lumi­na; what it is, who it’s tar­get­ing, and also a lit­tle bit about your back­ground, how you hap­pened to get into the recruit­ment mar­ket­ing indus­try.


0:07:37.2 BF: Absolute­ly. Those are two of my favorite sub­jects, myself and my busi­ness. [laugh­ter] You tell me when to qui­et down but Lumi­na is… To my ben­e­fit, I think Lumi­na is a very easy thing for most peo­ple to under­stand. I often say in the same way that tele­vi­sions evolved from black and white TV to col­or TV, we real­ly see our­selves as play­ing a sim­i­lar kind of bridge-like role in the job board and recruit­ment indus­try, except what we’re doing is we’re using tech­nol­o­gy to con­vert vast num­bers of text-only job post­ings and con­vert­ing them into mul­ti-sen­so­ry video job post­ings. And we’re doing it in a way that does­n’t require cam­eras and film­ing and make-up and a sound per­son and edit­ing. We’re doing it all through tech­nol­o­gy that we’ve devel­oped in-house and we’ve made it… The secret to our suc­cess has been scal­a­bil­i­ty. And so in a nut­shell, we’re mak­ing job post­ings a lit­tle bit more excit­ing to the can­di­date. We’re telling the sto­ry of the job a lit­tle bit bet­ter, and we’re our main recruiters and recruit­ment mar­keters with more than just a text only job post. And so, we see our­selves as being real­ly com­ple­men­tary to the tra­di­tion­al job post­ing, but allow­ing those job descrip­tions to real­ly pen­e­trate through social media and real­ly engage at a high­er-lev­el.


0:08:58.7 BF: So fun­da­men­tal­ly, I prob­a­bly say this about three times a week, I always say, “We’re not a mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny, we’re not a videog­ra­phy stu­dio, we’re real­ly soft­ware peo­ple at the heart of it.” And what we’ve done is built a plat­form that is real­ly intend­ed to ful­fill our mis­sion, which is make video acces­si­ble and afford­able for tal­ent acqui­si­tion teams, and we real­ly think we’re mak­ing good strides on doing that.


0:09:21.3 JD: Since we are on a pod­cast and we don’t have the abil­i­ty to look at a com­put­er screen to see what you guys do, could you kin­da give us a ver­bal walk-through of what a typ­i­cal Lumi­na job ad would look like?


0:09:32.6 BF: Absolute­ly, yeah. No, I love talk­ing about video on a pod­cast. I think real­ly what we’re doing, and it’s inter­est­ing because when I tell peo­ple about it ver­bal­ly, they always begin to devel­op some sort of idea of what they think it is, and then when they see it, I see this invis­i­ble light bulb go off above their head and they’re like, “Oh, I get it.” And so what we’re doing is, peo­ple think of video often as some­one stand­ing in front of a cam­era and they’re talk­ing at you, and it’s usu­al­ly at least a cou­ple of min­utes long. And so what we’ve done at Lumi­na, and there are exam­ples on, that’s our home page, what we’ve done is we real­ly take the key ele­ments of the role; the job title, the loca­tion, and of course the of the com­pa­ny, and we’re build­ing indi­vid­u­al­ized, almost like a micro-com­mer­cial, and these are about 30-sec­ond videos, very con­cise, high­light­ing the key ele­ments of the job in a way that’s com­pelling.


0:10:26.5 BF: So you might see the begin­ning of the video, we’ll come in and it’ll say “We’re hir­ing,” and then it’ll say… The job title will come in in a very taste­ful ani­mat­ed way. We’ll show a pic­ture of some­one who is in that field, so we’re kind of build­ing up that imagery and build­ing that brand aware­ness and that pos­i­tive feel­ing. And there’s usu­al­ly music to the videos, a lit­tle bit of back­ground music. And then we’ll dive in and we’ll show a pic­ture, a lot of our orga­ni­za­tions are recruit­ing peo­ple across states, and so we’ll show an image of either the work envi­ron­ment or the geog­ra­phy, and then we’ll high­light; what are the key ele­ments? I often, as we’re onboard­ing new cus­tomers, I often say, “Just imag­ine you had two floors, you’re going up two floors with a can­di­date, that’s all the time you’ve got on an ele­va­tor, what are the things you say?” And that’s real­ly what we’re doing with our videos, is we are boil­ing it down. I’m often tak­ing a 500-word job descrip­tion, which is what most peo­ple do, it’s like ask­ing some­one to read a New York Times arti­cle, real­ly.


0:11:26.7 JD: Right.


0:11:27.5 BF: And I’m boil­ing that 500 words down to about 50, and we’re mak­ing it into a lit­tle 30-sec­ond video. And I can talk more about the ben­e­fits of that and how peo­ple are using that, but in a nut­shell, we’re high­light­ing things like; job title, loca­tion, mis­sion state­ment of the orga­ni­za­tion. But we do cus­tomize them. So when we sit down with a new cus­tomer, we say, “What’s impor­tant to you and what’s impor­tant to the can­di­dates that you’re tar­get­ing? Of all the things you could men­tion, what are the cou­ple of things that are real­ly most cap­ti­vat­ing and the most impor­tant?” And then we’ll tai­lor the videos around that.


0:11:58.1 SR: At Col­lege Recruiter, we talk about three stages of mar­ket­ing; attrac­tion, engage­ment, acti­va­tion. And when I’ve looked at your videos, this seems to be very square­ly in the attrac­tion. It’s tak­ing some­body who might not know any­thing about the role, might not know any­thing about the employ­er, and basi­cal­ly say­ing, “This is some­thing you might wan­na look into.” It’s not get­ting into the 17 bul­let point job require­ments and you have to have a bach­e­lor of sci­ence degree in blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s a step before that, so very cool. Ques­tion for you, I noticed on, I think it was on your LinkedIn, your com­pa­ny’s LinkedIn page, it says that you’re in all 50 states and Switzer­land. So my ques­tion to you is, are we about to make Switzer­land the 51st state? And is that why you’re there, or are you look­ing for tax deductible trips to Switzer­land so that we can basi­cal­ly be your vaca­tions or what’s going on?


0:12:58.8 BF: It is pure coin­ci­dence. And I think I prob­a­bly wrote that about a year ago, and I haven’t looked at it again, but I think we’re maybe in at least a dozen coun­tries by now, but Switzer­land was a cologne… So we start­ed off in the health­care space, actu­al­ly, ’cause that’s where my back­ground was, was a lot of hos­pi­tals and health sys­tems, and so I can hap­pi­ly talk more about that, but even today about 70% of our cus­tomers are in health­care of some sort, whether it’s senior liv­ing or hos­pi­tals, but I remem­ber the com­pa­ny in Switzer­land was our first kind of inbound, they were like, “Hey, could you do this for us?” And we looked into what they did, and it was they design fla­vors and they design sense, and it’s just… “We’re like, Absolute­ly, we will help you find the next Willy Won­ka.”


0:13:47.1 SR: And if we have to spend a week in Gene­va fig­ur­ing this out, well, we won’t argue.


0:13:54.1 JD: Well, so what you’ve described obvi­ous­ly makes a lot of sense for a job board to wan­na have on their plat­form because it’s gonna increase engage­ment, increase can­di­date like­li­hood for actu­al­ly apply­ing for a job, inter­view­ing for a job, how do you work with job boards, can you describe how that tends to work both logis­ti­cal­ly and finan­cial­ly?


0:14:17.0 BF: Absolute­ly, and it’s a good ques­tion. And some of these lessons are very hard earned, as a start-up, we have done things the wrong way before, and you learn from it, right, so it’s all about get­ting as many cycles of learn­ing and as many iter­a­tions as you can ear­ly on, so that by the time a larg­er job board sits down with you, you can say it with con­fi­dence. Right, so we were very lucky to have some ear­ly part­ners, one of our ear­ly part­ners was a job board called Healthy Careers, and they’ve been around for sev­er­al decades, and they were real­ly our first big job board part­ner, and they helped us work through… We iter­at­ed on a few dif­fer­ent mod­els and essen­tial­ly the log­ic that you out­lined, so if I’m a job board, why am I inter­est­ed in video job post­ings? The num­ber one point is a dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion, how do we stand out? The sec­ond point to that very close­ly relat­ed is how do we stay rel­e­vant, times are chang­ing quick­ly, how do we not try to catch up to the curve, but stay slight­ly ahead of it, and then the oth­er real­ly is an addi­tion­al way to gen­er­ate rev­enue, if you can say, it’s what I often call it, and a lot of peo­ple call it this, but the would you like fries with that mod­el?


0:15:27.4 JD: Right.


0:15:27.5 BF: But if some­one is already post­ing text job descrip­tions to your board, ask­ing them, “Hey, would you like to upgrade or add on video job post­ings?” You don’t have to do any­thing oth­er than click a box, it’s a real­ly great way to add val­ue, get their inter­est and add addi­tion­al rev­enue streams to your busi­ness, so we use what we call a… We call it Pow­ered by Lumi­na, and that’s kind of the umbrel­la term for our part­ner­ships, and we real­ly see… In the begin­ning, a lot of folks thought, Oh, are you gonna evolve this into a job board, or you’re gonna build out a con­sumer can­di­date-fac­ing vir­tu­al real estate and try to get all that traf­fic and I thought, Well, that sounds incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult and very risky, and there are already lots of peo­ple who have for decades been doing this, so let’s be the soft­ware part­ner under this Pow­ered by Lumi­na mod­el and just shake hands and plug and play.


0:16:18.4 BF: And so that’s real­ly what we’ve been doing, typ­i­cal­ly, we’ll do a rev­enue share, and that’s kind of… We have some stan­dard­ized mod­els for that, but it’s pret­ty sim­ple, and then we have some cus­tomers in terms of job boards who have decid­ed that they actu­al­ly want to be our cus­tomer, and they just say, You know what? We’ll pay for it, and as a result of us pay­ing for it, we’re gonna get more cus­tomers, we’re gonna get more appli­cants com­ing through our site, we’re gonna make our exist­ing cus­tomers hap­pi­er, that I think is an inter­est­ing approach. We’re a young com­pa­ny, so I don’t have enough data to real­ly look at the two or three dif­fer­ent blue­print mod­els we have for job board part­ners and say, “Oh, well, of the 50 that we’ve done this and this mod­el is the best.” But we are start­ing to see some pat­terns and trends in what peo­ple are inter­est­ed in and what’s real­ly effec­tive, and I do tend to think that sim­ple is always best.


0:17:08.6 JD: Yeah, I would tend to agree. I have a lot of ven­dors that have con­tact­ed me over the years that wan­na work with job boards, and I’ve also talked with a lot of job boards about work­ing with var­i­ous ven­dors, inevitably it falls apart because of com­plex­i­ty, because the one par­ty or the oth­er is try­ing to cov­er every sin­gle pos­si­ble thing that could hap­pen, so I think keep­ing the mod­el as sim­ple as pos­si­ble, as straight­for­ward, as trans­par­ent as pos­si­ble is a good way to go. So I’m curi­ous in terms of… Because this pod­cast has an audi­ence that’s all over the world, we have a lot of lis­ten­ers, South Amer­i­ca, in the EU, in the UK, South­east Asia, can you give us an idea of what lan­guages or what areas that you have worked a lot in oth­er than in North Amer­i­ca?


0:17:55.2 BF: Yeah, absolute­ly. And that’s an area where we’re grow­ing a lot too, and we just recent­ly land­ed a cus­tomer who we are start­ing to work with called Syneos health S‑Y-N-E-O‑S, and they are a glob­al com­pa­ny, and so we’ve done, I would say prob­a­bly 30 dif­fer­ent lan­guages so far, just inde­pen­dent­ly with a vari­ety of cus­tomers, and we’ve prob­a­bly done maybe a dozen coun­tries, the first actu­al video job post­ing I ever sold in my life… I was on the phone at 4 AM with some­one in South Africa, and she was the head of HR for DHL South Africa. And I fum­bled through my and I was like, Well, here’s what it is, and I was try­ing to describe it. And she said, “Well, how much is it?” And I was­n’t pre­pared for that ques­tion. So I said $45. [laugh­ter]


0:18:39.1 BF: You know, I just made up a num­ber out of the air and I thought, “Well, it’s my first cus­tomer ever. I’ll fig­ure it out.” And then as I was putting that very first video togeth­er and this is 2019, way before, you know, before the pan­dem­ic. And as I was putting the video togeth­er, I real­ized, “Well, I don’t actu­al­ly know what peo­ple in South Africa look like.” Like I don’t know the of South Africa. And so that’s con­tin­ued to be some­thing that we’ve pri­or­i­tized as a busi­ness is any time we’re doing… Even with­in the con­ti­nen­tal US, it’s being real­ly thought­ful about the visu­als that we’re using, the imagery that we’re using. Not only does it need to be appro­pri­ate for the indus­try and the job itself, but it needs to be real­ly keep­ing in mind reflect­ing the audi­ence that it’s tar­get­ing the eye­balls that are gonna see it. So that’s been some­thing we’ve real­ly been con­sci­en­tious about as well.


0:19:28.7 JD: We’re run­ning out of time. But I have one final ques­tion to ask for you. It’s very pre­dictable, but I’m always curi­ous to hear how guests answer it, which is what’s next? What’s the next big thing you guys are gonna be doing?


0:19:39.8 BF: Oh, I love that ques­tion. Well, we are in the last… We’ve just hired a chief rev­enue offi­cer. I don’t know if I can announce who it is yet, but I’ll prob­a­bly end up doing a press release. And we did that after between Jan­u­ary and July we had mul­ti­ple inbound acqui­si­tion offers, which for a start­up is very excit­ing, all of which we declined because we wan­na keep grow­ing this thing and we love work­ing with our cus­tomers. We love secur­ing new part­ner­ships and part­ner­ing with job boards, appli­cant track­ing sys­tems. So for us, it’s real­ly about scal­a­bil­i­ty. We’ll be mak­ing our first appear­ance in Sep­tem­ber at HR Tech, we’ll be in the Start­up Pavil­ion and we’ll see if they let us pitch.


0:20:21.8 BF: That will be fun. And so for us, it’s real­ly kind of com­ing into this next chap­ter of growth where we’ve got­ten past the ini­tial stage of val­i­dat­ing the con­cept and get­ting to your first cou­ple of 100 cus­tomers and say­ing, Okay, well, that’s a good start, but how do you get all the way up here? And so for us, it real­ly is a ques­tion of scal­a­bil­i­ty and how do we make our exist­ing plat­form some­thing that any­one and every­one can access? And I will say that’s where we’ve put a lot of our ener­gy in the last sev­er­al months has been we launched a fea­ture about five days ago that allows any­one any­where to go to our web­site,, hit the signup but­ton in the top right, and with­in 90 sec­onds you can be inside our prod­uct, look­ing at it, click­ing around, brows­ing, and you can actu­al­ly request a video job post­ing from us for any sort of job that you have open today.


0:21:10.8 BF: And we will gen­er­ate that video for you for free and get it back to you with­in usu­al­ly 12 hours. And then you’ll be able to use that to say, “Oh, so this is what a video job post­ing from my com­pa­ny might look like.” You can share it around inter­nal­ly and because we just got tired of explain­ing it to peo­ple and then say­ing, “Well, let us show you, and like instead of let us show you,” it’s like, “Well, how about you just play with it? And then if you have ques­tions, you’ll let us know.” And it’s been so reward­ing to watch peo­ple on this jour­ney from read­ing a blog post or hope­ful­ly lis­ten­ing to this pod­cast and just say­ing, “Oh, that’s inter­est­ing. Let me instead of read­ing a PDF about it or call­ing Bri­an and set­ting up a meet­ing, let me just go play with it.” And if it makes sense, then we’ll have a con­ver­sa­tion inter­nal­ly. And so for me, I’m very excit­ed about kind of open­ing the flood­gates. And I think let­ting peo­ple just play with your prod­uct and build a rela­tion­ship with it is the key to kin­da get­ting to that scal­a­bil­i­ty. So I’m excit­ed for the next chap­ter very much.


0:22:07.2 JD: Well, I think he should be and hope­ful­ly some of the peo­ple lis­ten­ing to this pod­cast are gonna be some of the peo­ple that help you scale up as well, ’cause I think job boards could play a big role in terms of expand­ing the reach of Lumi­na, so. Well, lis­ten, Bri­an, it’s been great hav­ing you on the show. If our lis­ten­ers want to get a hold of you, what’s the best way for them to do that?


0:22:26.3 BF: I’m a big fan of LinkedIn, so Bri­an For­rester, Lumi­na, Google any of those things and the LinkedIn will pop up, also is our web­site and you can reach me by email at and yeah, hap­py to get back to any­one. And real­ly part­ner­ships is key to our growth strat­e­gy. So we’re look­ing to build those , you know, first and fore­most, so hap­py to reach out to any­one or speak with any­one who just wants to learn more. Thank you both very much for hav­ing me. It was great to be here. Great to have such inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tion. You guys are a lot of fun. I hope I get invit­ed back in a cou­ple of years. [chuck­le]


0:23:02.3 JD: Well, Steven, if peo­ple want to get a hold of you, what do they need to do?


0:23:05.9 SR: Yeah, they can email me But I just wan­na pick up on some­thing that Bri­an said com­ing back in a cou­ple of years. So here’s my pre­dic­tion. In a cou­ple of years, peo­ple will be able to go into and cre­ate the video all by them­selves. And you won’t actu­al­ly have humans that are gonna be look­ing at the job title, the job descrip­tion, fig­ur­ing out what the visu­als are, that will be AI. Then you can get a feed, whether it’s from a Col­lege Recruiter or a Job Index of here’s 100,000 jobs. And we get a feed right back, here are the video job post­ings for every sin­gle one of them. When that hap­pens, game chang­er. And then I think you’ll prob­a­bly be more will­ing to have those acqui­si­tion con­ver­sa­tions too.


0:23:51.9 BF: Yeah. Yeah, I could be con­vinced.


0:23:56.1 JD: Yeah. Well, that sounds like a sun­ny future, so. Well, that’s it for today’s episode of Job­Board­Geek. I encour­age folks to sub­scribe to us on Apple, Spo­ti­fy or what­ev­er oth­er sub­scrip­tion plat­form you pre­fer. My name is Jeff Dick­ey-Chasins the Job­Board­Doc­tor, and you’ve been lis­ten­ing to the only pod­cast that focus­es about the busi­ness of con­nect­ing can­di­dates and employ­ers. That’s it for now. We’ll see you again next time.



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