The Conners Fans Can Relate To Darlene’s Job Struggle In Season 5 Episode 14


Mul­ti­ple fans along with “The ” could­n’t help but relate to Dar­lene as she cycled through very embar­rass­ing inter­views dur­ing “Adding Insult to Injury.” This was unlike Dar­lene, who found her­self being inter­viewed by peo­ple played by lumi­nar­ies like Jaime Press­ly and Jack McBray­er.

“I’ve nev­er relat­ed to Dar­lene more,” admit­ted @djgirl40, adding a pha­lanx of laugh­ing emo­jis. They were among the fans will­ing and able to offer Dar­lene sup­port. Some fans just came right out and said how they felt about her. “ Dar­lene!” cheered on @RageGrl. Mul­ti­ple fans respond­ed pos­i­tive­ly to a tweet con­tain­ing dia­logue Dar­lene’s mono­logue to Dan about the humil­i­a­tion of con­ceal­ing her self to find employ­ment, which was post­ed on the offi­cial “The Con­ners” , @TheConnersABC

It’s quite pos­si­ble that they, too, have to be employed more than they’ve need­ed to be hon­est, which is what helps make watch­ing along with “The Con­ners” such a huge suc­cess, and such a relat­able show to fol­low.

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