DHI, JobandTalent, and HelloWork: the latest job board industry news

Job board industry newsLast time there was plen­ty of job board (and check out the stuff below on Hel­loWork and Joband­Tal­ent in par­tic­u­lar this time!). But it’s also that time of year when some folks are in the mid­dle of sum­mer, and those of us in the mid­dle of win­ter are jeal­ous. Ok, some folks like snow – just not me! Enough on the weath­er, let’s get to the news:

  • EJobs.ro reach­es new jobs record: EJobs Roma­nia saw employ­ers post a record 420,000 new jobs on its site in 2022, the high­est total in the last 20 years. Ringi­er-owned EJobs is the No. 1 recruit­ment mar­ket­place in Roma­nia by traf­fic (1.5 mil­lion total month­ly vis­its in Decem­ber, accord­ing to Sim­i­lar­Web) and by annu­al rev­enue, which amount­ed to $13.2 mil­lion U.S. in 2021 — around 90% of this total com­ing from job list­ings. Roma­nia has long grap­pled with a short­age of work­force, as the coun­try’s Euro­pean Union acces­sion in 2007 and sub­se­quent loos­en­ing of restric­tions on for­eign labor saw Roman­ian work­ers leave in droves for high­er pay in West­ern Euro­pean coun­tries. Con­grats!
  • Joband­Tal­ent rev­enues are up: Madrid’s Joband­tal­ent achieved a 90% increase in annu­al rev­enue last year, gen­er­at­ing turnover of €1.9 bil­lion as its US con­tin­ued to take off, becom­ing its third largest rev­enue dri­ver behind the UK and Spain. The plat­form con­nects job­seek­ers to tem­po­rary work oppor­tu­ni­ties in indus­tries con­sid­ered essen­tial to nation­al infra­struc­ture, for exam­ple ware­hous­es, food pro­duc­tion plants and . Joband­tal­ent cur­rent­ly has than 350 US-based clients and oper­ates in over 20 US juris­dic­tions. The next Indeed?
  • ShiftMed secures funds: ShiftMed, a Vir­ginia-based W‑2 health­care work­force man­age­ment mar­ket­place that focus­es on nurs­es and aides, closed on $200 mil­lion in new fund­ing. The com­pa­ny touts itself as “the No. 1 ranked mobile app for search­ing for flex­i­ble nurs­ing jobs.” The com­pa­ny said the new fund­ing will be used to expand its nation­al foot­print to nar­row that gap in need­ed per­son­nel. Its mobile and cloud-based soft­ware pro­vides perks to nurs­es like guar­an­teed shifts, instant or next-day pay, trans­porta­tion via Uber Health and health ben­e­fits. Inter­est­ing.
  • Arc­tic Shores lands fund­ing: Arc­tic Shores, a start­up aim­ing to improve the hir­ing process for busi­ness­es and peo­ple alike, has just scored about €6.4 mil­lion (​​£5.75 mil­lion) in fresh fund­ing. The Man­ches­ter-based team has devel­oped a pio­neer­ing soft-skills assess­ment tool and is now plan­ning to super­charge pan-Euro­pean growth. The start­up has devel­oped psy­cho­me­t­ric assess­ments that, unlike tra­di­tion­al tests, use behav­iour­al tasks and cap­ture respons­es to deter­mine per­son­al­i­ty traits which reveal true poten­tial. Intrigu­ing.
  • LinkedIn rev­enue growth slows: LinkedIn rev­enue rose 10% year over year (14% in con­stant cur­ren­cy) to $3.88 bil­lion in the fis­cal sec­ond quar­ter end­ed Dec. 31. Rev­enue growth at LinkedIn is expect­ed to slow to the mid-sin­gle dig­its in the third quar­ter. Microsoft cit­ed a slow­down in hir­ing along with a decline in adver­tis­ing spend, although LinkedIn con­tin­ues to add mem­bers, CEO Satya Nadel­la said. LinkedIn ranks as the sec­ond-largest online job adver­tis­ing firm in the world. Hmm.
  • DHI rev­enue up: DHI Group report­ed fourth-quar­ter rev­enue rose 17.8% year over year to $39.8 mil­lion. Rev­enue rose at both its Dice seg­ment and its Clear­ance­Jobs divi­sion, which focus­es on jobs that require fed­er­al secu­ri­ty clear­ances. Dice book­ings decreased 1% year over year, but Dice rev­enue renew­al and reten­tion rates remained strong at 94% and 107%, respec­tive­ly. Mean­while, Clear­ance­Jobs book­ings increased 17% in the fourth quar­ter, and rev­enue renew­al and reten­tion rates were 98% and 117% respec­tive­ly. DHI expects total rev­enue to grow in the low dou­ble- per­cent­age range year over year for each quar­ter through­out 2023. Good num­bers.
  • MyNavi sales hit new high: Japan-based job-site oper­a­tor MyNavi Cor­po­ra­tion saw all its key finan­cial indi­ca­tors post upbeat per­for­mances dur­ing the fis­cal year 2021/22 (from Oct. 1 2021 to Sept. 30 2022). The com­pa­ny’s full-year sales rev­enue grew by 15.5% year on year (y‑o-y), accord­ing to its earn­ings announce­ment. The fig­ure makes the com­pa­ny the sec­ond-high­est-gross­ing recruit­ment com­pa­ny in the world, after Recruit Hold­ings. Wow!
  • Hel­loWork focus­es on acqui­si­tions: Hel­loWork Group’s order book grew by 33% in 2022 to €94 mil­lion, solid­ly posi­tion­ing the com­pa­ny at the top of the French online recruit­ment, job search, and skills devel­op­ment mar­ket. Hel­loWork Group will now roll out a new four-year, €50-mil­lion merg­ers and acqui­si­tions strat­e­gy. The merg­ers and acqui­si­tions strat­e­gy intro­duced in 2018 brought Jobi­Jo­ba, Diplomeo, Seekube, and Basile into the Hel­loWork fold. These plat­forms con­tin­ued to grow over the past year and account­ed for 22% of Hel­loWork Group’s orders received in 2022. Hel­loWork Group cur­rent­ly has 470 employ­ees in France. Sounds like a good plan.
  • ShiftKey lands $300M: Health­care recruit­ment plat­form ShiftKey has closed on a $300 mil­lion fund­ing round led by major­i­ty investor Lori­ent Cap­i­tal, a health­care-focused pri­vate invest­ment com­pa­ny. The com­pa­ny’s plat­form allows health­care facil­i­ties to hire and sched­ule on-call staff such as nurs­es to bid on and cre­ate their own work sched­ules using its app. The com­pa­ny hosts a sched­ul­ing plat­form that aims to reduce the labor short­age-relat­ed dif­fi­cul­ties in the sec­tor by con­nect­ing licensed health­care work­ers with med­ical facil­i­ties with staff open­ings. Inter­est­ing.
  • Job­Snob cre­ates new job board: Job Snob and the Amer­i­can Med Spa Asso­ci­a­tion (AmSpa) have formed a part­ner­ship to cre­ate a med­ical aes­thet­ic job board. This con­nects the asso­ci­a­tion’s net­work of med­ical aes­thet­ic pro­fes­sion­als with expe­ri­enced indus­try can­di­dates, allow­ing med­ical spas to strength­en their teams with a wide vari­ety of roles, from -lev­el and sup­port roles to skilled med­ical posi­tions. Job Snob offers concierge recruit­ing ser­vices, an indus­try-spe­cif­ic job board, and prac­tice ser­vices for med­ical aes­thet­ic prac­tices nation­wide. Con­grat­u­la­tions!
  • Gigged.ai gains seed fund­ing: Dig­i­tal recruit­ment plat­form Gigged.ai has raised £1.6 mil­lion ($2.0 mil­lion U.S.) in a seed fund­ing round that was led by Par Equi­ty.  The com­pa­ny’s plat­form match­es qual­i­fied work­ers with rel­e­vant tech­nol­o­gy skills to hir­ing in those areas, in addi­tion to help­ing com­pa­nies to retain exist­ing staff. Accord­ing to the com­pa­ny, the num­ber of gig econ­o­my work­ers in the U.K. has tripled over the last five years. Good luck!
  • Wel­come To The Jun­gle lands funds: French start­up Wel­come to the Jun­gle has raised a new $54 mil­lion (€50 mil­lion) Series C round. The start­up helps oth­er com­pa­nies recruit new employ­ees more eas­i­ly by cre­at­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed pro­files. In par­tic­u­lar, Wel­come to the Jun­gle sends a pho­to and video crew to your office so that they can shoot some high-qual­i­ty pho­tos and record some quick inter­views with employ­ees. The start­up has also devel­oped its own appli­cant track­ing sys­tem. Kin­da sounds like the Muse, eh?
  • Jooble cre­ates start­up incu­ba­tor: Jooble, the Ukran­ian  aggre­ga­tor, has built a start­up incu­ba­tor called Ven­ture Lab it hopes will help unlock recruit­ment tal­ent and ideas across the globe. The com­pa­ny is active­ly look­ing for star­tups and CEOs that are will­ing to devel­op prod­ucts with­in the Jooble ecosys­tem. The lab in two ways — a tra­di­tion­al cor­po­rate start­up incu­ba­tor for entre­pre­neurs to join as co-founders and get fund­ing, men­tor­ship and resources from Jooble; and a part­ner­ship pro­gram intro­duced by Jooble as a way to coop­er­ate with estab­lished star­tups in the recruit­ment tech space via invest­ment or tech­nol­o­gy part­ner­ships. Cool idea!

Well – lots of good news both in terms of rev­enue and fund­ing. Won­der what the next month will bring…

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