Tacoma Coalition Calls for ‘Tenants’ Bill of Rights’

A pro­pos­al for sweep­ing hous­ing reforms devel­oped by a com­mu­ni­ty coali­tion called Taco­ma For All is being viewed as a “major threat” by the city, which has its own plan for address­ing the hous­ing cri­sis. Kevin Le reports on the sto­ry for The Urban­ist.

Taco­ma For All’s pro­pos­al, Ini­tia­tive 2023-01, calls for a ‘ten­ants’ bill of rights’ that includes stricter of ten­ant pro­tec­tion laws, a ban on exces­sive fees, a pro­hi­bi­tion on school-year and -weath­er evic­tions, and relo­ca­tion assis­tance in the case of dis­place­ment due to rent increas­es. “Over­all, the pro­pos­al seeks to shift the pow­er dynam­ic more into ten­ants’ favor many decades of being tilt­ed the oth­er way,” Le explains. 

Mean­while, Taco­ma May­or Woodards “asked Taco­ma For All how much they would be will­ing to com­pro­mise on their demands and would not elab­o­rate on the specifics of the City’s alter­na­tive plan (which was only vague­ly sketched at the time) and so cam­paign did not pro­vide a response, [Taco­ma For All Cam­paign Ty Moore] said.” The city’s plan does not include relo­ca­tion assis­tance and pro­pos­es a tiered notice based on the amount of a rent increase.

The orga­ni­za­tion has gath­ered more than of the 8,000 sig­na­tures need­ed by June 15th to put the ini­tia­tive on the city bal­lot. “On June 11th, Taco­ma for All will host a Ten­ants Rights Action Con­fer­ence to demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly decide whether to com­pro­mis­es from the City or sub­mit the sig­na­tures and go head to head with the City’s alter­na­tive.”

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