Orange County Motel Converted to Supportive Housing

A for­mer motel in Bue­na Park, has been con­vert­ed to 57 sup­port­ive hous­ing units, reports Heather McRea in the Orange Coun­ty Reg­is­ter. “The for­mer­ly run-down, two- motel was ren­o­vat­ed into stu­dio apart­ments with new win­dows and floor­ing and ful­ly fur­nished kitch­enettes, offi­cials said.”

Accord­ing to McRea, “The sup­port­ive part comes in the form of that be avail­able to res­i­dents on- to help them be suc­cess­ful in stay­ing in hous­ing and not becom­ing home­less again, such as life skills train­ing, health coun­sel­ing and more.”

The build­ing, ren­o­vat­ed by Jam­boree Hous­ing Cor­po­ra­tion with a com­bi­na­tion of financ­ing from Orange Coun­ty, the Orange Coun­ty Hous­ing Trust, and Equi­ty , will restrict res­i­den­cy to house­holds earn­ing 50 per­cent or less of area medi­an (AMI), with 28 per­cent reserved for peo­ple with a men­tal health diag­no­sis.

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