Seattle Downtown Plan Focuses on Public Safety, Programming

Seat­tle Bruce Har­rell unveiled a plan aimed at revi­tal­iz­ing the city’s down­town, stem­ming the drug cri­sis, and small .

Accord­ing to an arti­cle by Don­na Gor­don Blank­in­ship in Cross­cut, Har­rell “issued an exec­u­tive order call­ing on police to play a more active role in dis­rupt­ing drug sales, along a plan to increase city spend­ing on over­dose pre­ven­tion and response” and announced plans to “estab­lish a new place for to recov­er from non-fatal over­dos­es, get with their addic­tion and access oth­er .”

The may­or also to acti­vat­ing down­town with fes­ti­vals and events and reopen City Hall Park with social pro­gram­ming. “Oth­er plans include waiv­ing street-use per­mit fees for food trucks and pop-up food ven­dors, and ask­ing the Wash­ing­ton State Liquor and Cannabis Board to issue ‘sip ‘n’ stroll’ per­mits for First Thurs­day Art Walks so peo­ple can car­ry bev­er­ages as they walk among gal­leries.”

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