Save up to 70% on clearance styles

Men's Wearhouse has classy fits for slick prices right now.

— Rec­om­men­da­tions are inde­pen­dent­ly cho­sen by Reviewed’s edi­tors. Pur­chas­es you through the links below may earn us and our pub­lish­ing part­ners a com­mis­sion. 

Whether you’ve got a wed­ding com­ing up or want to look sharp for a job inter­view, you need to for a good suit every now and then. That can be hard some­times, con­sid­er­ing how much a new suit or even a pressed pair of pants can cost. For­tu­nate­ly, Men’s Wear­house has plen­ty of threads that are both styl­ish and afford­able, espe­cial­ly with its cur­rent sale.

up to 70% at Men’s Wear­house

Through Sun­day, August 20, the cloth­ing out­let is host­ing a clear­ance sale with up to 70% off a vari­ety of clothes. You can find suit coats, leather shoes, dress shirts and even ties. These threads are avail­able in a vari­ety of col­ors and styles that are fit for any for­mal occa­sion while also still offer­ing long-last­ing com­fort. It’s the per­fect time to update your clos­et unspool­ing the rest of your bud­get.

➤Every­day sav­ings:Sam’s Club mem­ber­ships are 50% off—join for bulk sav­ings on gro­ceries, gas and toi­let paper

Best Men’s Wearhouse Half-Yearly Clearance sale deals

Egara Slim Fit Textured Woven Sport Shirt

Add some winter style early with this Egara sport shirt on sale at Men's Wearhouse.

You can get your win­ter shop­ping done ear­ly by adding the Egara slim-fit woven sport shirt to your clos­et. Typ­i­cal­ly list­ed for $49.99, you can get the small tex­tured woven thread for $30 off at $19.99. Men’s Wear­house says the shirt is 96% cot­ton with a spread col­lar and con­trast lin­ing in the cuffs. That cot­ton-blend fab­ric has a bit of stretch in its mate­r­i­al for a cozy fit.

$19.99 at Men’s Wear­house (Save $30)

Here’s the deal:Sub­scribe to our Perks and Rec newslet­ter for sav­ings on all the things you want and need.   

Joseph Abboud Modern Fit Power Stretch 5‑Pocket Pants

Sit in the comfort of these Joseph Abboud five-pocket pants now on sale at Men's Wearhouse.

If you’ve already got a sol­id top fit and want to make an out­fit com­plete, these Joseph Abboud Pow­er Stretch five-pock­et pants can do the trick. Nor­mal­ly priced at $59.99, you can get the mod­ern-fit slacks in sev­en dif­fer­ent col­ors for $20 off at $39.99. Men’s Wear­house says the pants go great with both sport shirts and T‑shirts, so they are ready to be worn at any event through­out the year. They also have 2% elas­tane so they’ll feel secure but not tight.

$39.99 at Men’s Wear­house (Save $20)

➤Sam­sung deals:The best Sam­sung deals on tech, appli­ances ahead of the Sam­sung Galaxy Unpacked event

No the occa­sion, you’ll want to step out in a whole new style. Men’s Wear­house can help you shop smart, so the clear­ance sale today!

Shop the Men’s Wear­house Clear­ance sale

The prod­uct experts atReviewed have all your shop­ping needs cov­ered. Reviewed onFace­book,Twit­ter,Insta­gram, orFlip­board for the lat­est deals, prod­uct reviews and more. 

Prices were accu­rate at the time this arti­cle was pub­lished but may change over time. 

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