New Orleans Bike Share Celebrates 300,000 Rides

New Orleans’ Blue Bikes bike share sys­tem just sur­passed 300,000 rides in 2023, accord­ing to non­prof­it oper­a­tor Blue Krewe.

As Rich explains in Biz New Orleans, the orga­ni­za­tion the ’s push to improve bike infra­struc­ture has helped the sys­tem gain more rid­ers. “Build­ing on this incred­i­ble momen­tum, we encour­age the City of New Orleans to plans to build out over 75 miles of low-stress bike net­work,” said Allene La Spina, exec­u­tive direc­tor of Bike Easy.

Blue Krewe revived the city’s bike share sys­tem an -run sys­tem end­ed in 2020. In the arti­cle, CEO Geoff Coats points out that the sys­tem is large­ly used by locals. “With locals over 70 per­cent of all trips in 2023 and one out of every five trips being tak­en by our Blue Bikes for All mem­bers, Blue Bikes is a proven trans­porta­tion solu­tion that is rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the way that res­i­dents of New Orleans move around .”

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