Letter: Bad answer — Anchorage Daily News


By John McConnaughy

Updat­ed: 1 ago Pub­lished: 1 hour ago

“Woke vs. nor­mal?” May­or Dave Bron­son said that? I I missed that , but it does­n’t sur­prise me. Bron­son has spent much of his life as a right-wing ide­o­log­i­cal war­rior, and that’s what he has tried to do as may­or.

Sor­ry, but that’s not what “nor­mal” is in a may­oral con­test. Nor­mal is to choose the best per­son to do the job of may­or. Nor­mal is want­i­ng the the streets plowed so peo­ple can get to work. Nor­mal is want­i­ng play­grounds open and main­tained so kids can have a good with­out get­ting hurt. Nor­mal is hir­ing gov­ern­ment employ­ees for their and abil­i­ties, not their ide­ol­o­gy. It’s not about being recruit­ed against our will into some ide­o­log­i­cal war.

Frankly, vot­ing for some­one Bron­son is a just plain bad per­son­nel deci­sion. As far as I’m con­cerned, “woke vs. nor­mal” is the answer that blew the job inter­view.

— John McConnaughy


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