Envisioning a New Nature Center

Oper­at­ed by the Los Ange­les of Parks and Recre­ation (DPR), the Dev­il’s Punch­bowl Nat­ur­al Area is a region­al, nation­al, and inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tion for hik­ers, nat­u­ral­ists, and schools.  It is a unique 1,310-acre won­der where vis­i­tors can walk, hike, or take a horse­back ride on a 7.5‑mile trail. Vis­i­tors can see spec­tac­u­lar up-tilt­ed rock for­ma­tions cre­at­ed by lay­ers of sed­i­men­ta­ry rocks and also explore a land­scape of Joshua trees, Cal­i­for­nia Junipers, and Piny­on Pine Wood­land while observ­ing the vari­ety of wildlife. The Nature Cen­ter was remod­eled in 1988 to as a crit­i­cal edu­ca­tion­al resource to teach vis­i­tors about the sen­si­tive habi­tat, local flo­ra and fau­na, and in the harsh extremes of the desert. 

On Sep­tem­ber 6, 2020, the Bob­cat Fire destroyed over 30,000 acres of land, which includ­ed many parts of the Dev­il’s Punch­bowl Nat­ur­al Area, includ­ing the Nature Cen­ter, a small, rough­ly 1,000-square-foot wood­en struc­ture.  As report­ed in this arti­cle by Julie Drake of the Ante­lope Val­ley Press, DPR has start­ed the to plan for the replace­ment of the Nature Cen­ter and is hold­ing com­mu­ni­ty work­shops to gath­er pub­lic input.  This plan­ning project per­form the nec­es­sary plan­ning and con­cep­tu­al design work to cre­ate a viable, appro­pri­ate­ly-sized, and pro­grammed project to replace the pre­vi­ous Nature Cen­ter and oth­er relat­ed improve­ments that were destroyed in the Bob­cat Fire. The new Nature Cen­ter build­ing will address var­i­ous con­straints, includ­ing the lim­it­ed sup­ply of fresh water, lack of sew­er or waste­water sys­tem, and lim­it­ed capac­i­ty of the exist­ing park­ing lot and entry road. 

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