Circa, Horsefly, and LinkedIn: news of the job board industry

CircaThere have been a few(!) acqui­si­tions since last mon­th’s roundup, includ­ing Cir­ca and Space-Careers, detailed  below. But ’s not all, folks! I’m talk­ing lay­offs, fund­ing, and much more. Let’s take a look at the lat­est job indus­try news:

  • Cir­ca is acquired: Mitrat­e­ch, a legal, com­pli­ance and HR soft­ware com­pa­ny, has acquired Cir­ca, an Office of Fed­er­al Con­tract Com­pli­ance Pro­grams (OFCCP) and DEI soft­ware provider, and Trak­star, a tal­ent acqui­si­tion, devel­op­ment and per­for­mance man­age­ment ser­vice, from Turn/River Cap­i­tal. Cir­ca, based in Mil­wau­kee and found­ed in 1994, has over 5,000 cus­tomers and 15,500 com­mu­ni­ty part­ner rela­tion­ships. Cir­ca’s pri­ma­ry job board is Diver­si­tyJobs. Con­grats!
  • MyNavi acquires two sites: Japan-based job site oper­a­tor MyNavi hasac­quired India-based HR intel­li­gence com­pa­ny Peo­pleMat­ters and, a Japan-based job site for tech­ni­cal pro­fes­sion­als. Estab­lished in 2009, Peo­pleMat­ters pro­vides HR sec­tor-relat­ed infor­ma­tion, includ­ing trends, and is also known for orga­niz­ing HR con­fer­ences in India and Sin­ga­pore. Ten­navi-job con­nects employ­ers with tech­ni­cians in 400 dif­fer­ent fields, includ­ing ener­gy, health, elec­tron­ics and infor­ma­tion com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Kudos!
  • Job ads up in Switzer­land: Com­pa­nies across Switzer­land adver­tised 4% more jobs in the first quar­ter of 2023, when com­pared to the first quar­ter of 2022, accord­ing to the lat­est Adec­co Group Swiss Job Mar­ket Index and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich’s Swiss Job Mar­ket Mon­i­tor. On a quar­ter­ly basis, the Swiss job mar­ket began 2023 with a slight decline (-1%) in the num­ber of vacan­cies when com­pared with Q4 2022. The Job Mar­ket Mon­i­tor also exam­ined job adverts in terms of lan­guage men­tioned in job ads. Hmm.
  • Horse­fly rais­es funds: The improb­a­bly-named Horse­fly, a U.K.-based AI-based tal­ent acqui­si­tion plat­form, has land­ed fund­ing from LDC. The com­pa­ny oper­ates a sub­scrip­tion-based SaaS plat­form that col­lates real-time data on labor mar­kets from 60 coun­tries to pro­vide com­pa­nies with insight on recruit­ment, cov­er­ing such areas as glob­al tal­ent sourc­ing, onboard­ing, diver­si­ty and pay bench­mark­ing, in addi­tion to work­force devel­op­ment and plan­ning. Gid­dy-up!
  • Hyper­job gets fund­ing: Lat­vian start­up Hyper­job has raised €435,000 in a fund­ing round that will see the com­pa­ny launch a slew of new prod­uct fea­tures and con­tin­ue its expan­sion across Europe and US mar­kets. Accord­ing to Hyper­job, their plat­form is built to increase pos­i­tive rates through inter­ac­tive vacan­cy pages, auto­mat­ed and per­son­alised Linkedin and email out­reach sequences (that can be A/B test­ed), and AI-dri­ven can­di­date sug­ges­tions.  Very inter­est­ing.
  • CV-Library is doing very well, thank you: UK-based CV-Library announced its FY22 results, and they reveal a post-pan­dem­ic rev­enue and prof­it bounce, with rev­enue increas­ing by 49% from £32.7 mil­lion to £48.8 mil­lion ($60.6 mil­lion U.S.). Prof­it before tax, increased by 53%, up from £15.1 mil­lion in its FY 2021 finan­cial results to £23.2 mil­lion. In August, the com­pa­ny announced it will inte­grate a ‘Direc­tAp­ply’ func­tion with lead­ing ATS provider Team­tai­lor. The fol­low­ing month they acquired pro­gram­mat­ic plat­form Bril­liant Jobs, part of its plan to offer a glob­al pro­gram­mat­ic job adver­tis­ing ser­vice across all the mar­kets that it serves. Impres­sive.
  • Euro­Job­sites acquires Space-Careers: Euro­Job­sites has acquired to its port­fo­lio of adja­cent recruit­ment in sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, and engi­neer­ing. Space-Careers was found­ed in 2004, and focus­es on career-focused indi­vid­u­als in the space indus­try. Con­grats!
  • lays off staff: laid off 86 work­ers com­pris­ing 18% of staff. The cuts, which came almost one year to the day since’s $120 mil­lion (U.S.) series B fundraise, impact­ed all depart­ments, with no par­tic­u­lar func­tion tar­get­ed specif­i­cal­ly, the com­pa­ny said. The cuts impact­ed’s head­quar­ters in Mon­tre­al and its oth­er loca­tions around the world, the com­pa­ny not­ed. Sor­ry to hear this.
  • Med­wing lands $47M: Med­wing, a Euro­pean start­up build­ing a recruit­ment mar­ket­place for health­care work­ers, has raised €44 mil­lion ($47 mil­lion) in a Series C round of fund­ing. The mar­ket­place tar­gets the health­care indus­try in Ger­many and the U.K. with a plat­form designed to match hos­pi­tals and clin­ics with nurs­es and elder­ly care­givers, though it also caters to phar­ma­cists, mid­wives, doc­tors and sim­i­lar pro­fes­sion­als. Med­wing claims some 5,500 reg­is­tered med­ical employ­ers and 500,000 health­care pro­fes­sion­als. Impres­sive.
  • App­cast launch­es App­cast Labs: Pro­gram­mat­ic recruit­ment soft­ware and tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny App­cast has launched App­cast Labs, a new research and inno­va­tion ini­tia­tive that aims to cre­ate new tal­ent acqui­si­tion solu­tions for employ­ers. The new prod­uct, which will be led by Tom Cheva­lier,  will devel­op tech­nol­o­gy that com­ple­ments App­cast’s exist­ing pro­gram­mat­ic recruit­ment adver­tis­ing soft­ware and services.The com­pa­ny wants to expand beyond pro­gram­mat­ic job adver­tis­ing tech­nol­o­gy to build tech­nolo­gies that opti­mize recruit­ment mar­ket­ing. Good luck!
  • LinkedIn tests AI-pow­ered job post­ings: In what could be a hint of every­one’s future, LinkedIn is test­ing AI-pow­ered job post­ings in Eng­lish to a lim­it­ed num­ber of job posters in the States, India, the Unit­ed King­dom, Cana­da, and Aus­tralia, with plans to roll it out glob­al­ly lat­er this year. The com­pa­ny says that they “lever­age the data that our cus­tomers have cho­sen to share with us that is already inputted into our plat­form and then we use AI to help for­mat and cre­ate all the ele­ments of a great job descrip­tion”. In oth­er LinkedIn news, the com­pa­ny says it will use Microsoft­’s Ver­i­fied ID to con­firm that mem­bers actu­al­ly work where they claim to work. The new ver­i­fied iden­ti­ty ser­vice is a notable between the social net­work and the com­pa­ny’s Secu­ri­ty, Com­pli­ance, Iden­ti­ty, and Man­age­ment group. Hmmm.
  • Karat acquires Triple­byte’s rectech assess­ment : Karat, a recruit­ment inter­view­ing com­pa­ny, has acquired soft­ware engi­neer plat­form Triple­byte’s tech­ni­cal assess­ment prod­uct and its team. Karat, which has cre­at­ed an inter­view­ing cloud to accel­er­ate tech­ni­cal hir­ing, said the acqui­si­tion adds a skills-based assess­ment prod­uct to its suite of inter­view­ing cloud offer­ings, and will help its clients iden­ti­fy and hire tech­nol­o­gy pro­fes­sion­als more quick­ly, accu­rate­ly and fair­ly. Inter­est­ing.
  • Paraform lands cash: Paraform, a recruit­ing mar­ket­place that enables tech com­pa­nies to post boun­ties for open roles, announced that it raised $1.4 mil­lion in pre-seed fund­ing.  Any­one can get it if they refer a suc­cess­ful can­di­date. They don’t have to be a recruiter, but 90% of Parafor­m’s user base are. The founders say that the plat­form lets recruiters work with­out hav­ing to start their own recruit­ment agen­cies. In addi­tion to giv­ing recruiters a source of free­lance work, Paraform is also keen to solve hir­ing chal­lenges for tech com­pa­nies. Intrigu­ing.
  • finan­cials are mixed: post­ed rev­enue of $25.4 mil­lion, a year-over-year gain of 14% ver­sus $22.2 mil­lion in 2021. Its net loss of $16.5 mil­lion was just 1% up on the $16.3 mil­lion loss incurred in 2021. Evan Sohn, CEO, added that the com­pa­ny’s focus was on pro­vid­ing “high-mar­gin, tech­nol­o­gy-dri­ven ser­vices” that boost near-term prof­itabil­i­ty while cut­ting oper­a­tional expens­es. Inter­est­ing.
  • DHI’s set­tle­ment could impact oth­er job boards: AIM Group reports that the U.S. gov­ern­ment has set­tled an employ­ment dis­crim­i­na­tion com­plaint against job board oper­a­tor DHI Group, a devel­op­ment that brings into ques­tion long-held lia­bil­i­ty pro­tec­tions that recruit­ment sites have enjoyed along­side oth­er inter­net pub­lish­ers. The case con­cerned mul­ti­ple charges of dis­crim­i­na­tion filed against DHI, which runs the job boards and, con­cern­ing job ads that appeared to deter can­di­dates of U.S. . “The case has set a wor­ry­ing prece­dent because it treats DHI Group more like an employ­ment agency than an inter­net pub­lish­er, said Steven Roth­berg, founder and chief vision­ary offi­cer of the job board Col­lege Recruiter.” Excel­lent analy­sis.

Geez! Anoth­er raft full of news, and there was plen­ty I had to leave out. I think it’s safe to say that the demand for work­ers is still strong, even as employ­ers in many sec­tors are begin­ning to pull back in the face of eco­nom­ic uncer­tain­ty. We’ve been there before, though, right? Till next time…

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