Los Angeles County Allocates $9 Million for Parks in High Need Areas

The Los Ange­les Coun­ty Region­al Park and Space Dis­trict (RPOSD) has allo­cat­ed over $9 mil­lion in Mea­sure A grant fund­ing for tech­ni­cal assis­tance ser­vices to 30 cities and the unin­cor­po­rat­ed por­tion of Los Ange­les Coun­ty that are in high and very high park need areas, as iden­ti­fied in the 2016 Los Ange­les Coun­ty­wide Parks Assess­ment.  The fund­ing allo­ca­tion will be used to sup­port and fur­ther park project devel­op­ment.

RPOSD estab­lished the Tech­ni­cal Assis­tance (TAP) as part of the vot­er-approved fund­ing from Mea­sure A, the LA Coun­ty Safe, Clean Neigh­bor­hood Parks and Beach­es Mea­sure, to assist agen­cies and orga­ni­za­tions devel­op eli­gi­ble park projects and com­pet­i­tive appli­ca­tions for its grant pro­grams, and to help com­mu­ni­ties cre­ate mul­ti-ben­e­fit park projects and pro­grams through­out Los Ange­les Coun­ty.

In 2016, Los Ange­les Coun­ty vot­ers approved Mea­sure A, the Safe, Clean Neigh­bor­hood Parks and Beach­es mea­sure, with almost 75 of vot­ers approv­ing the annu­al par­cel tax, affirm­ing the impor­tance of parks to Los Ange­les Coun­ty res­i­dents. Since the pas­sage of Mea­sure A, RPOSD has allo­cat­ed approx­i­mate­ly $400 mil­lion in Mea­sure A funds to cities and park devel­op­ment agen­cies to help new park space, cre­ate bet­ter access to exist­ing parks, and improve park ameni­ties.

month, RPOSD launched two Mea­sure A com­pet­i­tive grant pro­grams, Recre­ation­al Access and Youth & Vet­er­an Job Train­ing and Place­ment, releas­ing up to $23 mil­lion total in fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for cities, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­ni­za­tions, and eli­gi­ble enti­ties.  In Feb­ru­ary, RPOSD also award­ed $26 mil­lion in com­pet­i­tive grants to fund park projects across L.A. Coun­ty.

TAP links high and very high park need enti­ties with pro­fes­sion­al , with exper­tise in var­i­ous park devel­op­ment dis­ci­plines, includ­ing com­mu­ni­ty out­reach and engage­ment, envi­ron­ment stud­ies, project fea­si­bil­i­ty, and design, and grant writ­ing and appli­ca­tion, at no cost to the eli­gi­ble grantee.

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