Google Launches Free Job Interview Digital Coach

If you inter­view poor­ly, a lot can go wrong dur­ing a job inter­view. It’s dis­ap­point­ing that inter­views are the final hur­dle to obtain­ing a job, when the inter­vie­wee may pos­sess the per­fect skills need­ed to exe­cute the work, but sim­ply gets ner­vous in inter­view sit­u­a­tions where their future is on the line.

When Google launched their Career Cer­tifi­cate dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, it offered a half-year of career train­ing for a pal­try tuition of $300–400—yielding cer­tifi­cates that could pave the way towards a $75,000-a-year job. Lots of peo­ple signed up. But when Google fol­lowed up to mea­sure their out­comes, they found a lot of cer­tifi­cate hold­ers were blow­ing it at the inter­view stage.

As one exam­ple, Le’­mont Cal­houn com­plet­ed the Cer­tifi­cate course in IT Training—but had nev­er been on a job inter­view in his life, hav­ing pre­vi­ous­ly been self-employed. He then became one of the testers for Google’s pro­posed solu­tion to the inter­view prob­lem: Inter­view Warmup, a sort of coach that peo­ple could prac­tice on their smart­phones or com­put­ers. The pro­gram asks you ques­tions by voice, and you answer by voice.

: 1300034 81 116389 juh4mj3sk

: 1300032 81 116389 7z4gkazlq

“Inter­view Warmup is a that makes it eas­i­er to prac­tice for an inter­view, build , and grow com­fort­able with the inter­view process. Your answers to each prac­tice ques­tion are tran­scribed in real time so that you can review what you said. You’ll also be shown insights (pat­terns detect­ed by machine learn­ing) like: job-relat­ed terms you use, the words you say most often, and the dif­fer­ent talk­ing points you cov­er. The tool has ques­tion for each Google Career Cer­tifi­cate field, but also has a set of gen­er­al ques­tions any­one can use.”

: 1300037 81 116389 gudbzu40d

: 1300036 81 116389 gudbzu40d

Here’s what the tool looks like in prac­tice:

Enter a cap­tion (option­al)

Le’­mont, you’ll note in the video, land­ed a job as for the NFL. For an ini­tial invest­ment of a few hun­dred dol­lars and six months of study, that’s a fan­tas­tic out­come!

: 1300040 81 116389 059pe3g4y

You can try Inter­view Warmup here. It’s .

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