Sea Level Rise Prompts Closure of San Francisco’s Great Highway

of San ’s Great will be per­ma­nent­ly closed to cars due to threats sea lev­el rise, reports Ricar­do Cano in the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle.

Cano notes that the city has fore­seen the clo­sure of the between Sloat and Sky­line boule­vards since 2012. “The city has used stop­gaps, such as a giant sand berm, in recent years to sta­bi­lize its rapid­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ing shore­line. But the high­way, along with under­ground infra­struc­ture and a major waste­water treat­ment plant are at risk of being over­tak­en by the ris­ing sea.”

The seg­ment in ques­tion is fre­quent­ly closed due to sand block­ing the road. “The city’s Pub­lic Com­mis­sion and and Park depart­ments plan to a -long trail and beach­front plaza in place of the closed road­way.”

The pro­posed pedes­tri­an plaza would include a pub­lic restroom bol­lards for pro­tec­tion from vehi­cles, and a multi­use trail. “The new plaza and trail on the Great High­way Exten­sion could even­tu­al­ly become part of a ful­ly pedes­tri­an­ized water­front park that con­nects to the Great High­way between Sloat and Lin­coln Way.”

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