Top 13 Best Places To Find Jobs or Start Your Career in 2023


You might have the best , the ide­al degree and plen­ty of work expe­ri­ence — but none of it will mat­ter if you don’t know where to look for open posi­tions. If your job search is going a lit­tle too slow­ly, read on to dis­cov­er the best places to find a job both online and in per­son.

Online job listing sites

Online job list­ing sites are phe­nom­e­nal spots to find jobs or begin your career, par­tic­u­lar­ly if you are just start­ing out. There are a cou­ple of rea­sons for this, includ­ing:

  • Online job list­ing sites are acces­si­ble, and you can apply to a range of dif­fer­ent jobs across many sites with­out your home. Job search web­sites are espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar for remote jobs.
  • Online job list­ing sites are used by the major­i­ty of employ­ers days. If you walk into a to inquire about jobs, odds are they direct you to their online job open­ings or list­ings boards any­way.
  • Online job list­ing sites allow you to fil­ter dif­fer­ent job oppor­tu­ni­ties. In this way, you can tar­get open pro­fes­sion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties based on your qual­i­fi­ca­tions, salary range require­ments and oth­er fac­tors. You can also see what they require, like cov­er let­ters.

How­ev­er, there are tons of job list­ing sites you can check out. offer both full-time and part-time job open­ings, plus intern­ships. Their jobs are fre­quent­ly cross-linked to social media sites, so be sure to review those pages for new noti­fi­ca­tions.

Below are 10 top places to find a job online (and three in-per­son), many of which are ide­al for spe­cif­ic types of pro­fes­sion­als or job prospects.

1. Glassdoor

Glass­door is per­haps the most well-known job list­ing and review site over­all. It’s free for employ­ers and employ­ees and has a mobile app. Job­seek­ers can look for jobs and read upon each com­pa­ny’s cul­ture, CEO, ben­e­fits and salary infor­ma­tion. It’s gen­er­al­ly well-loved by work­ers who want key employ­er insights.

Employ­ee reviews can be either pos­i­tive­ly or neg­a­tive­ly biased. Use your crit­i­cal think­ing when read­ing reviews on Glass­door so that you apply for jobs that fit your needs, even if that’s con­trary to what peo­ple say about a giv­en posi­tion. Hir­ing man­agers and human resource pro­fes­sion­als some­times try to adjust or edit these reviews to rep­re­sent their employ­ers accu­rate­ly.

2. Indeed

Indeed is anoth­er excel­lent place to find jobs or start your career. It’s one of the largest job list­ing sites avail­able, and it cov­ers a wide vari­ety of indus­tries. More impor­tant­ly, it’s free to use, and it has a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

On the pos­i­tive side, it offers many jobs to look through, typ­i­cal­ly at a rate of 10 new jobs per sec­ond. For each of those jobs, it offers salary infor­ma­tion, com­pa­ny reviews and much more.

On the down­side, there’s very high com­pe­ti­tion for jobs on Indeed. Fur­ther­more, com­pa­nies don’t always update their job list­ings. As a result, many of the job post­ings here may be out­dat­ed, and job alerts may not always be accu­rate on this job search engine.

3. FlexJobs

FlexJobs is the best place to find a job if you are look­ing for remote work. It’s a job list­ing plat­form for remote oppor­tu­ni­ties over every­thing else, so it’s for free­lancers, self-employed busi­ness own­ers and gig work­ers.

There’s no free option or free tri­al, and you’ll have to pay up to $59.95 per to access this list­ing site. It also only has an iOS app. How­ev­er, the list­ings are pro­fes­sion­al­ly vet­ted, and plat­form users get access to exclu­sive deals. Thus, FlexJobs is a phe­nom­e­nal place to find free­lance jobs if you are com­mit­ted to a remote work­ing career.

4. Ladders

Lad­ders is a free and paid job list­ing site, par­tic­u­lar­ly for man­agers look­ing for high-pay­ing job oppor­tu­ni­ties with chances to lead teams. How­ev­er, pre­mi­um plans go up to almost $300 per year, and it does­n’t have a mobile app yet.

That said, the job list­ings are all vet­ted, and every posi­tion on Lad­ders pays at least $100,000 per year. Lad­ders is the ide­al job list­ing site to find a high-pay­ing job if a stan­dard-pay­ing job won’t cut it for your finan­cial needs. Jobs in health­care, finance and busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion are com­mon.

5. Wellfound

Well­found, for­mer­ly called Angel­List Tal­ent, is a free job list­ing plat­form. It does­n’t come with a mobile app, but it does come with salary and equi­ty infor­ma­tion for every job, plus local and remote start­up jobs. This is one of the best places to find a start­up job over­all, as it is used and trust­ed by over 130,000 star­tups and new small busi­ness­es.

On the down­side, Well­found has a rel­a­tive­ly small job data­base com­pared to some of the larg­er list­ings sites. Still, it could be a great place to find a career at an up-and-com­ing com­pa­ny with lots of oppor­tu­ni­ties for .

Relat­ed: The 10 Best Job Search Sites

6. Getwork

Get­work is a free job-hunt­ing plat­form that posts new jobs every sin­gle day. If you are look­ing to be the first one to apply for an open posi­tion, check out this plat­form ASAP. All the jobs on Get­work are 100% ver­i­fied.

Jobs must appear on com­pa­ny web­sites to be list­ed here; employ­ers can’t post job open­ings by them­selves. It’s best to use Get­work as an ancil­lary job list­ing board in con­junc­tion with oth­er job mar­ket sites.

7. Upwork

Upwork is anoth­er phe­nom­e­nal free­lance job list­ing site for free­lance writ­ers, devel­op­ers, artists and more. It’s not free, but it does give you a chance to con­nect with those look­ing for gig work more eas­i­ly than almost any­where else. More impor­tant­ly, you’ll earn reviews and a rep­u­ta­tion on Upwork. As you get more pos­i­tive reviews, employ­ers can con­tact you per­son­al­ly, and you can join high-pay­ing, spe­cial groups.

Note that Upwork is also a plat­form renowned for its low-pay­ing jobs. You may need to hunt for free­lance gigs that are worth your time and effort as you work from home.

8. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is per­haps bet­ter known as a pro­fes­sion­al social net­work­ing site, but it also works to find jobs by con­nect­ing direct­ly with recruiters. It’s free, but you can also pay for the pre­mi­um $39.90 per month plan to use all the fea­tures on the desk­top site and the Android or iOS mobile app.

LinkedIn is a unique place to find jobs as it’s phe­nom­e­nal for net­work­ing, and it makes it easy to find and con­tact recruiters and man­agers your­self. You can find many poten­tial employ­ers in your indus­try, as well as thought lead­er­ship, career advice and use­ful con­nec­tions to help you land your next job.

Job post­ings can expire with­out warn­ing, and be aware of spam and scam mes­sages. Addi­tion­al­ly, ensure your LinkedIn pro­file and career page are pro­fes­sion­al and up-to-date with job titles — you nev­er know who might view your pro­file.

9. Snagajob

Sna­ga­job is a free job list­ing plat­form with iOS and Android apps. It has over 100 mil­lion reg­is­tered job­seek­ers and 700,000 employ­er loca­tions. While it is inun­dat­ed with adver­tise­ments and spam mes­sages, it does have a very large num­ber of job list­ings.

If you are look­ing for quick work, Sna­ga­job is also great since it has an Urgent Jobs fil­ter. This can help you find posi­tions that need to be filled quick­ly.

10. Monster

Last but not least is Mon­ster. It costs up to $349 for employ­ers, but it has a high-qual­i­ty Android and iOS mobile app. It is fair­ly com­pa­ra­ble to Indeed, but it has few­er job fil­ters, and the salaries aren’t always list­ed. Since employ­ers can’t list jobs for free, there are few­er jobs to look through on Mon­ster over­all.

How­ev­er, it’s free for job seek­ers. Those on the hunt for a job can apply to cer­tain, nor­mal­ly entry-lev­el, posi­tions with­out hav­ing to make an account. Thus, it could be a great place to find a job if you are just look­ing to start your career or find a posi­tion to pay the bills in the mean­time.

Relat­ed: Job Boards vs. Job Recruiter: The Pros and

In-person events and centers

Although search­ing for a job online is wise, there are still places to find a job in-per­son. These “real world” loca­tions and oppor­tu­ni­ties could be great ways to learn about job open­ings that aren’t post­ed online for one rea­son or anoth­er.

11. Professional networks

Pro­fes­sion­al net­works, such as con­fer­ences, net­work­ing events and orga­ni­za­tions you are a part of, are often great places to find jobs. Many pro­fes­sion­al net­works are the only ways to learn about high-lev­el, exec­u­tive or man­age­r­i­al jobs in some indus­tries, like busi­ness or finance.

That’s because many of these jobs are filled based on per­son­al rec­om­men­da­tions. A CEO, for instance, may need to fill a CFO posi­tion for their busi­ness. To do that, the CEO to oth­er peo­ple in a pro­fes­sion­al orga­ni­za­tion or net­work. That way, they knows they’re hir­ing a can­di­date who has the right skills for the job, rather than sift­ing through dozens of job appli­ca­tions on online list­ings sites.

12. Placement agencies

Place­ment agen­cies are ded­i­cat­ed busi­ness­es that focus on plac­ing job can­di­dates. You can walk into a place­ment busi­ness, give them your port­fo­lio and wait for them to find you a poten­tial job spot. Place­ment agen­cies are very com­mon in some indus­tries, but they are less com­mon for entry-lev­el posi­tions.

13. Community centers

Com­mu­ni­ty cen­ters — which can include cof­fee shops, church­es, con­fer­ence cen­ters and more — are also good places to find jobs. Specif­i­cal­ly, look for notice boards, which gen­er­al­ly include posters and brochures about a vari­ety of com­mu­ni­ty events and oppor­tu­ni­ties.

In some cas­es, com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter notice boards typ­i­cal­ly include job post­ings from local com­pa­nies. These could be great ways to find local jobs, like small­er shops, restau­rants or even local gov­ern­ment jobs. Some­times, these small­er busi­ness­es don’t post job open­ings online, par­tic­u­lar­ly if they oper­ate in a small town and there aren’t enough peo­ple in the town to war­rant an online post­ing in the first place.

Relat­ed: How to Job Search in 2023

Land that perfect job

Now you know where to find a job online and in per­son — what­ev­er your job pref­er­ences may be, there’s a web­site or in-per­son loca­tion that can help you find what you need. Using these resources, you can land on plen­ty of excel­lent open job oppor­tu­ni­ties soon­er rather than lat­er.

Check out Entre­pre­neur’s oth­er guides and resources for more infor­ma­tion on this top­ic.

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