TikToker shares life hack for secretly checking notes during a job interview

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A Tik­Tok­er is earn­ing all kinds of praise after shar­ing her “crazy” job inter­view tip.

The trick comes cour­tesy of a col­lege stu­dent named Lil­lian Zhang (@lillianzhang_). Her sim­ple , which is a major help for any­one who takes exten­sive notes before an inter­view, involves lit­tle more than down­load­ing a sim­ple note-tak­ing pro­gram.

“I wish I knew about this ear­li­er,” Zhang cap­tioned her post.

Any­one who has vir­tu­al­ly inter­viewed for a job is aware of the issue Zhang’s hack helps . speak­ing to a recruiter or man­ag­er of Zoom, Google Hang­outs or some oth­er video app, it’s dif­fi­cult to ref­er­ence your notes with­out mak­ing it clear you’re break­ing your focus.

Zhang’s solu­tion? Down­load Trans­par­ent Note, a app that allows users to adjust the trans­paren­cy of a doc­u­ment. That way, you can put your see-through notes in front of your video call screen.

The hack is just the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy-focused trick for col­lege stu­dents and ear­ly-career work­ers. Recent­ly, users have also shared tips for “pre-sched­ul­ing” text mes­sages and for keep­ing track of Air­pods.

When it came to Zhang’s hack, many Tik­Tok­ers were impressed. Sev­er­al thanked her for shar­ing the easy trick.

“Omg so need­ed for my inter­view this week,” one user wrote.

“This is so cool,” anoth­er agreed.

“Absolute game-chang­er,” anoth­er wrote.

Oth­ers warned against rely­ing too heav­i­ly on notes dur­ing an inter­view. As sev­er­al com­menters point­ed out, hir­ing man­agers can tell why your eyes are wan­der­ing or scan­ning through a para­graph.

“I’m a recruiter and trust me, we know when some­one is read­ing off some­thing — on or off-screen,
one user warned. “So just be your­self. You can refer but don’t read.”

Sev­er­al users seemed to agree that the hack only works if you’re sim­ply ref­er­enc­ing the notes from time to time, rather than read­ing a “script” of planned . Addi­tion­al­ly, some not­ed that the same trick works if you put the two tabs — one with your notes and one with the inter­view call — side by side.

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