​TikTok creator shares 5 questions to ask potential employers


You know the end of the inter­view where they ask, “Do you have any ques­tions for us?” It’s a dread­ed ques­tion for a lot of peo­ple. Even though you know it’s com­ing, the ques­tion still catch­es you off guard and you wind up ask­ing some­thing pos­si­bly irrel­e­vant or noth­ing at all. Then the whole ride home, approx­i­mate­ly fif­teen ques­tions pop into your head.

But don’t you , because Tik­Tok cre­ator Kyyah Abdul has a list of five ques­tions to keep tucked in your brain’s pock­et to close out an inter­view. And in the com­ments are applaud­ing the cre­ator’s abil­i­ty to fig­ure out if the is a fit for you and clar­i­fy any con­cerns the inter­view­er may have. Her advice was so genius that even a per­son who is involved in recruit­ment chimed in say­ing, “Being in both senior lead­er­ship and direct­ly involved in can­di­date recruit­ment, these ques­tions are fire. 10/10 rec­om­mend.”

The video has well over 800,000 views on Tik­Tok and near­ly 200,000 likes. In the near­ly 3‑minute video, Abdul is sit­ting in her car and explains how one of her ques­tions always up inter­view­ers, but says, “It me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to address any con­cerns they had as a result of my inter­view.”

One of the first ques­tions on her list is, “How do you and senior lead­er­ship to errors made in the work­place?”

Most peo­ple who have held more than one job have expe­ri­enced being in an envi­ron­ment where minor mis­takes were ridiculed or caused you to be micro­man­aged. So ask­ing this sort of ques­tion in the inter­view seems like it would give you a bet­ter under­stand­ing of that com­pa­ny’s work envi­ron­ment.

Some com­menters have tried her meth­ods and oth­ers are eager to con­tin­ue to soak up her knowl­edge.

“I always incor­po­rate your ques­tions and am told that this was the best inter­view they ever had,” one com­menter wrote.

“This is the first inter­view ques­tion video I’ve seen NOT from a recruiter or man­ag­er. And it was actu­al­ly real­ly help­ful. Thank you so much,” some­one else wrote.

“I used these ques­tions dur­ing my last inter­view and they I was bril­liant,” anoth­er per­son said.

Clear­ly view­ers Abdul’s inter­view hacks are invalu­able. Watch the video below to hear the rest of the ques­tions:


A lot of peo­ple have asked me about inter­view ques­tions so I am repost­ing my most viral inter­view video #inter­view #inter­viewtips #inter­viewques­tions #inter­viewtip­sandtrick #inter­view­prep

This arti­cle orig­i­nal­ly appeared on 5.26.23

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