Skyline-Shifting Development Approved in Los Angeles

The Los Ange­les City recent­ly approved a clus­ter of tall buildings—towers of 49 and 30 sto­ries as well as a 17-sto­ry build­ing and a sprin­kling of two- to four-sto­ry build­ings in a Down­town-adja­cent neigh­bor­hood.  

David Zah­nis­er reports on the planned devel­op­ment for the Los Ange­les Times, the 1111 Sun­set Project, planned by L.A.-based Pal­isades , could include a hotel, com­mer­cial space along Sun­set Boule­vard, and 737 units. 

Accord­ing to the project web­site, the designs for 1111 Sun­set also includes more than two acres of open space designed by James Cor­ner Field Oper­a­tions, “which include ter­races, gar­dens, court­yards, water fea­tures, and an over­look views of down­town.”

The project has encoun­tered oppo­si­tion from groups who that the devel­op­ment will spur ris­ing rent in the already gen­tri­fy­ing sur­round­ing neigh­bor­hood of Echo Park.

“Chi­na­town for Equi­table Devel­op­ment, a neigh­bor­hood group devot­ed to fight­ing gen­tri­fi­ca­tion, crit­i­cized the devel­op­er for only set­ting aside 76 units with­in the com­plex — about 10% of the — for low-income res­i­dents,” reports Zah­nis­er.

1111 Sun­set is the first devel­op­ment approved to allow sky­scraper height for devel­op­ments in the neigh­bor­hood of Echo Park it abuts Down­town Los Ange­les to the north­west. Los Ange­les’ down­town sky­line has for years has been most vis­i­bly creep­ing the south, near the Los Ange­les Con­ven­tion Cen­ter and the Are­na, though some down­town-scale devel­op­ment is also expand­ing to the east.

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