New Orleans Housing Report Card: “F” for Affordable Housing

The afford­able hous­ing in New Orleans earned the city an “F” on Hous­ing­NO­LA’s report card once again this year, reports David Jones for Fox 8.

Hous­ing­NO­LA, which was formed in 2014, is a of res­i­dents and non-prof­its to solv­ing the issues sur­round­ing the lack of afford­able hous­ing in the city. The group issued a 10-year plan, which involves pub­lic and pri­vate and com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers work­ing togeth­er to solve the city’s hous­ing cri­sis.

Hous­ing­NO­LA’s direc­tor said the city failed “to take basic steps toward cre­at­ing more afford­able hous­ing in New Orleans,” point­ing to the city’s many vacant and blight­ed prop­er­ties. “Call­ing New Orleans a ‘non-func­tion­ing mar­ket’ because of the ample sup­ply of vacant units and blight­ed prop­er­ty yet high hous­ing costs, Mor­ris said the city’s lack of afford­able hous­ing has rip­ple effects on every­thing from home­less­ness to crime to Louisiana’s ongo­ing insur­ance cri­sis.”

The city coun­cil will soon vote on an ordi­nance that would boost enforce­ment of ten­ant pro­tec­tion laws that bar land­lords from let­ting poor con­di­tions fes­ter. “The leg­is­la­tion would also require basic for a prop­er­ty to be licensed, includ­ing run­ning , AC, prop­er­ly main­tained elec­tri­cal , water heaters, ade­quate roofs and walls and pest con­trol.”

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