LinkedIn, Zip, and UpWork revenue up: the latest job board industry news

Job board industry newsWell, hard­ly any­thing has hap­pened since the last roundup – except for a major elec­tion in the U.S., thou­sands of lay­offs at Meta and Twit­ter, and lots of pos­i­tive (and a few neg­a­tive) finan­cial reports from job boards around the world. You know, just the usu­al bor­ing job board indus­try news from a multi­na­tion­al, mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar sec­tor! Let’s dig in:

  • DHI rev­enue up 25%: DHI Group report­ed third-quar­ter rev­enue rose 25.3% year over year to $38.5 mil­lion. Rev­enue rose at both its Clear­ance­Jobs divi­sion, which focus­es on jobs that require fed­er­al secu­ri­ty clear­ances, and its Dice seg­ment. Dice book­ings increased 17% year over year, while Dice rev­enue renew­al and reten­tion rates remained strong at 98% and 110%. Sim­i­lar­ly, Clear­ance­Jobs book­ings increased 23% in the third quar­ter, and rev­enue renew­al and reten­tion rates were 97% and 110%. Sounds kin­da pos­i­tive.
  • No Fluff Jobs rev­enue up: Ringi­er Axel Springer-owned IT recruit­ment site No Fluff Jobs saw a rev­enue increase by 128% while its net grew by 160% in FY2021. The Pol­ish job board was estab­lished in 2014; in Octo­ber 2019, the site expand­ed into Hun­gary and in the fol­low­ing years also into the Czech Repub­lic, Slo­va­kia, Belarus, and Ukraine. The com­pa­ny’s FY2021 rev­enue was 20.5 Pol­ish zlo­tys ($4.2 mil­lion U.S.), up from 9 mil­lion Pol­ish zlo­tys in FY2020. Its net prof­it was 845,00 Pol­ish zlo­tys ($174,000 U.S.), an increase from 325,000 Pol­ish zlo­tys a year ear­li­er. Con­grats!
  • LinkedIn rev­enue ris­es, but…: Microsoft Corp. report­ed that LinkedIn rev­enue rose 17% to $3.66 bil­lion in the com­pa­ny’s fis­cal first quar­ter end­ed Sept. 30. The increase as mea­sured in con­stant cur­ren­cy was 21%. The increase was dri­ven by Linked­In’s tal­ent solu­tions recruit­ing . How­ev­er, Microsoft warned of a hir­ing slow­down impact­ing LinkedIn when announc­ing upcom­ing guid­ance. In oth­er LinkedIn news, the com­pa­ny won a pre­lim­i­nary vic­to­ry in its case against data scraper HiQ Labs, with a fed­er­al judge rul­ing that LinkedIn was enti­tled to kick HiQ off its plat­form because that lat­ter vio­lat­ed its usage rules. The rul­ing also denied HiQ’s claim for mon­e­tary dam­ages stem­ming from its ban­ish­ment from the plat­form. Hmm.
  • ZipRecruiter’s growth con­tin­ues: ZipRecruiter post­ed bet­ter-than-expect­ed rev­enue gains in a slow­ing job mar­ket in Q3 2022 while also rack­ing up a prof­it for the fifth straight quar­ter. The com­pa­ny report­ed rev­enue of $227 mil­lion, up 7% year-on-year. Though topline growth is down dras­ti­cal­ly from the dou­ble- and triple-dig­it gains of the past sev­er­al quar­ters, it beat the com­pa­ny’s own expec­ta­tions and those of Wall Street. The com­pa­ny report­ed that employ­er cus­tomers dur­ing the quar­ter were down 20% year on year. Inter­est­ing.
  • Pod clos­es for job board: Pod announced the clo­sure of a $2.5M fund­ing round for its AtlasJobs HR-Tech SaaS plat­form. AtlasJobs, launched in Q2 2022, was devel­oped along­side cor­po­ra­tions who are focused on build­ing sus­tain­able tal­ent path­ways and serves as a white-label tal­ent engage­ment and man­age­ment plat­form. AtlasJobs helps com­pa­nies address staffing short­ages and recruit­ing chal­lenges by pro­vid­ing a mobile-first inter­ac­tive job-seek­er expe­ri­ence. Con­grats!
  • Job boards need AM/FM radio pres­ence: With the per­cent of active job seek­ers up sig­nif­i­cant­ly vs. a year ago – from 12% to 22%, accord­ing to the results of a MARU/Matchbox study com­mis­sioned by Cumu­lus Media/Westwood One’s Audio Active Group – and pas­sive seek­ers now out­num­ber­ing actives by a near­ly-two-to-one mar­gin, it’s a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for job web­sites to get the out. Based on West­wood One’s blog’s analy­sis of the find­ings of the study, which sur­veyed 1,000 respon­dents in July, AM/FM radio reach­es three-quar­ters of job seek­ers. AM/FM radio is the most-men­tioned adver­tis­ing medi­um used in the past month among pas­sives and actives, accord­ing to MARU/Matchbox’s data. Very inter­est­ing.
  • Alma Career rev­enue is up: Alma Career’s rev­enue amount­ed to €82.4 mil­lion ($80.5 mil­lion U.S.) dur­ing the peri­od Q1-Q3 FY 2022, up 41.8% from €58.1 mil­lion in the year-ear­li­er peri­od. Its adjust­ed EBITDA increased 51.7% to €36.3 mil­lion over the same peri­od. The Alma Career seg­ment includes recruit­ment sites,,, CV Online,, and, in addi­tion to the Seduo online train­ing ser­vice and Prace za rohem. In Q3 FY2022, rev­enue rose by 24.4% year on year, to €27.3 mil­lion. Its adjust­ed EBITDA increased 11% to €10.8 mil­lion over the same peri­od. Impres­sive.
  • UpWork’s rev­enue is also up: Upwork report­ed rev­enue rose 23.8% year over year to $158.6 mil­lion.  The num­ber of active clients rose 9% year over year to 818,000. In addi­tion, gross ser­vices vol­ume — which rep­re­sents both client spend and addi­tion­al fees charged for oth­er ser­vices — grew 14% year over year in the third quar­ter to near­ly $1.03 bil­lion. They just keep chug­ging along.
  • rais­es even more mon­ey: Madrid-based tem­po­rary staffing start­up Joband­tal­ent raised $500 mil­lion at a val­u­a­tion of $2.35 bil­lion in Series E fund­ing led by Swedish investor Kin­nevik AB. This round of fund­ing is the largest ever for an HR Tech com­pa­ny in Europe, accord­ing to Pitch­Book. In March, the com­pa­ny announced a €100 mil­lion (~$120M) Series D round led by Soft­bank, as well as €83 mil­lion (~$100M) in debt financ­ing from Black­rock, to enter the US mar­ket. The most pop­u­lar on the plat­form include van and deliv­ery dri­vers, as well as ware­house oper­a­tors. Con­grats – I guess.
  • JobKo­rea adds com­mu­ni­ty chat rooms: Recruit­ment mar­ket­place JobKo­rea is seek­ing to enhance com­mu­ni­ty par­tic­i­pa­tion on its site with six com­mu­ni­ty chat rooms cat­e­go­rized by indus­try. The six chat rooms are ded­i­cat­ed to mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing; the inter­net; man­age­ment; design; sales and cus­tomer con­sul­ta­tion; and pro­duc­tion and man­u­fac­tur­ing. Since the launch of the mar­ket­ing in May, the num­ber of posts has 64,000.  Kind of back to the future!
  • Fiverr rev­enue is up: Fiverr report­ed third-quar­ter rev­enue rose 11.1% year over year to $82.5 mil­lion with growth in both the num­ber of active buy­ers and spend per buy­er. The num­ber of active buy­ers on Fiver­r’s plat­form rose 3% year over year to 4.2 mil­lion in the third quar­ter. Mean­while, the amount of spend per buy­er rose by 12% to $262. Fiverr fore­cast fourth-quar­ter rev­enue of between $79.8 mil­lion and $85.8 mil­lion, a year-over-year increase of between 0% and 8%. Pret­ty strong.

Like I said – hard­ly any­thing hap­pened! I almost fell asleep writ­ing it! Oh, and don’t for­get to check out the lat­est job board indus­try trends results. Until next time…

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