Las Vegas Arts District To Receive Complete Streets Makeover

The City of Las Vegas announced a Streets ini­tia­tive that will make the Dis­trict safer and more walk­a­ble. Accord­ing to a blog post the city, “In 2011, we adopt­ed the new Title 10 Uni­fied Devel­op­ment Code includ­ed Com­plete Street Stan­dards. To sup­port all of the enti­ties (Clark Coun­ty, Boul­der City, Hen­der­son, Las Vegas, Mesquite and North Las Vegas), the Trans­porta­tion Com­mis­sion of South­ern Neva­da (RTC) a man­u­al that can as a design for the region.”

The city lists the prin­ci­ples essen­tial to com­plete streets, not­ing that “Com­plete streets allow us to sup­port mobil­i­ty for all users” and promis­ing wider side­walks, improved road­way design, , land­scap­ing, pave­ment mark­ings, and ADA com­pli­ance.

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