LA-to-San Francisco Night Train Closer to Reality

Accord­ing to an arti­cle by Bill Buchanan in SFGate, Dream­star Lines of New­port Beach signed a mem­o­ran­dum of under­stand­ing (MOU) with Pacif­ic, paving the way for the Los Ange­les-to-San Fran­cis­co train since 1983. “Most U.S. trav­el­ers aban­doned for dri­ving or decades ago, but Dream­star believes con­gest­ed roads and the has­sles and envi­ron­men­tal cost of air trav­el cre­ate an for its ser­vice.” 

As Buchanan , “Union Pacif­ic owns most of the 470-mile route. To com­plete the link between San Fran­cis­co and Los Ange­les, Dream­star also needs agree­ments to use owned by tran­sit oper­a­tors Cal­train and Metrolink.”

Union Pacif­ic acknowl­edged that it “entered into for­mal nego­ti­a­tions” regard­ing the . Cur­rent­ly, the only rail ser­vice between the Bay Area and Los Ange­les is Amtrak’s day­time Coast Starlight ser­vice.

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