LA Parking Reform is Bearing Fruit

Recent changes to min­i­mum park­ing require­ments in Los Ange­les Coun­ty are yield­ing results as more devel­op­ers plan res­i­den­tial projects with lim­it­ed or no on-site park­ing, David Wag­n­er in LAist.

“A recent analy­sis from real firm ATC Research found that 73% of projects being pro­posed through L.A. May­or Karen Bass’s afford­able fast-track­ing pro­gram ED1 fea­ture no on-site park­ing.” This cuts down sig­nif­i­cant­ly on devel­op­ment and allows builders to fit more units on a lot. “Stud­ies have shown that pro­vid­ing on-site park­ing in Cal­i­for­nia con­struc­tion costs by around $36,000 per unit and increas­es rents by about $200 per month,” Wag­n­er adds.

The new only apply to devel­op­ments near tran­sit lines, Wag­n­er notes, but local law­mak­ers “are chip­ping away” at those park­ing min­i­mums as well. “ week, the L.A. Coun­ty Board of Super­vi­sors vot­ed in favor of rules for unin­cor­po­rat­ed parts of the coun­ty requir­ing one park­ing spot per apart­ment — regard­less of the num­ber of bed­rooms — in build­ings with 10 units or less,” cut­ting pri­or require­ments in half.

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