Joke of the day Sunday, 13 November 2022

: large

Laugh­ter is the best , and Africans could cer­tain­ly do with a dose of the gig­gles these !

A guy goes in for a job inter­view and sits down with the

The boss asks him: “ do you think is your qual­i­ty

The man replies: “am prob­a­bly too hon­est

The boss : “that is not a bad thing, l think being hon­est is a good qual­i­ty

The man replies: “l don’t care about what you think.

This week’s jokes:

Mon­day, 7 Click here

, 8 Novem­ber – Click here

Wednes­day, 9 Novem­ber – Click here

Thurs­day, 10 Novem­ber – Click here

Fri­day, 11 Novem­ber – Click here

Recent LOLs:

Best laughs 31 Octo­ber- 4 Novem­ber

Do you have a favourite joke you’d like to share?

If so, send an email to or a What­sApp to 060 011 0211 and we’ll pub­lish the ones that make us laugh loud­est!

You can also fol­low @TheSAnews on Twit­ter and The South African on  to get the lat­est jokes

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