How Oversized SUVs Are Killing Us and the Environment

Writ­ing in Jalop­nik, Erin Mar­quis urges read­ers to watch a YouTube pro­duced by Not Just Bikes “high­lights the hor­ror” of over­sized SUVs.

It’s of ver­i­fi­able facts that will leave your jaw on the floor, such as: If all SUVs were a coun­try, it rank sev­enth in the world for car­bon emis­sions ( than the Nether­lands and the UK com­bine.) Or that the infa­mous Chick­en Tax direct­ly led to the rise of over­sized vehi­cles. Or that the Nation­al High­way does­n’t crash test two dif­fer­ent weight class­es of cars against each oth­er, despite these mod­els shar­ing the same roads.

The video also solu­tions to the cri­sis, such as back sta­tion wag­ons and mini­vans and tax­ing vehi­cles clas­si­fied as ‘light trucks.’ Aside from the envi­ron­men­tal impacts of big­ger vehi­cles, Mar­quis writes, “the num­bers don’t lie. As SUVs have risen, so too have pedes­tri­an deaths, traf­fic fatal­i­ties, car­bon emis­sions and the instances of chil­dren being run over, rather than backed over.”

See the arti­cle for a link to the full video.

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