Honolulu Light Rail to Open in June

The long-await­ed Hon­olu­lu light rail is set to open in the last week of , mark­ing the ’s first train ser­vice, report Cather­ine Cruz and Sophia McCul­lough for Hawaii . “With 22,000 per­mit­ted dwelling units on the way in Cen­tral and Oʻahu, devel­op­ment is not going to stop, [direc­tor of the Hon­olu­lu Depart­ment of Ser­vices Roger Mor­ton] said. means more stress on Oʻahu’s trans­porta­tion .”

The Sky­line light rail has been in devel­op­ment since 1968, but encoun­tered a series of set­backs. Now, the train will pro­vide a new tran­sit option for res­i­dents and vis­i­tors in the grow­ing city. Trains will run every 10 min­utes between 5am and 7pm on week­days, with ser­vice start­ing at 8am on week­ends.

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