Google Maps Introduces New Transit, EV Features

New fea­tures on Google Maps eas­i­er to find car and tran­sit , reports Chris Smith in BGR.

As Smith explains, Google Maps will start includ­ing tran­sit options by default along with dri­ving direc­tions in some cities. “If you pre­fer pub­lic tran­sit over oth­er alter­na­tives, you’ll also love anoth­er fea­ture Google launched for Google Search. You can per­form search­es along the of ‘Boston to Philadel­phia train,’ and you’ll get sched­ules and tick­et prices, com­plete with links to the rel­e­vant book­ing options. The fea­ture will also sup­port search­es for bus­es.”

For elec­tric car dri­vers, Google Maps will col­lect user-gen­er­at­ed data to find the near­est EV charg­ing loca­tions, and, in some cas­es, -time port avail­abil­i­ty.

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