FTA Issues Draft Directive on Transit Worker Safety

The Fed­er­al Tran­sit Admin­is­tra­tion (FTA) is set to enact a direc­tive that calls on tran­sit to address vio­lence toward tran­sit work­ers. As Mis­cha Wanek-Lib­man explains in Mass Tran­sit, “Under the direc­tive, each tran­sit enti­ty sub­ject to FTA’s Pub­lic Trans­porta­tion Agency Safe­ty Plans (PTASP) reg­u­la­tion would be to con­duct a safe­ty risk , iden­ti­fy safe­ty risk mit­i­ga­tions or strate­gies.”

An Urban Insti­tute study found a tripling of unlaw­ful attacks against tran­sit between 2008 and 2022, the study’s not­ing that the data is like­ly an under­count.

The direc­tive calls on agen­cies in large, urban­ized areas to cre­ate safe­ty com­mit­tees tasked with devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing risk mit­i­ga­tion mea­sures.

Last month, the FTA it is con­sid­er­ing new stan­dards for hours of ser­vice to fatigue for tran­sit oper­a­tors.

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