Facebook dies, Beamery scores, and LinkedIn wins: news of the job board industry

Job board industry newsIt’s the end of the year – but not the end of job board news. Strange thing, that – the clock keeps tick­ing on, does­n’t it? In addi­tion to a con­fir­ma­tion that Jobs on Face­book is real­ly, real­ly dead, we also have lots of quar­ter­ly finan­cials, fund­ing, and some new sites. Let’s dig in!

  • Recruit Hold­ings rev­enue up: This may be shock­ing (not), but Recruit Hold­ings, par­ent of Indeed and Glass­door, saw a 12.4% increase in rev­enue for their fis­cal quar­ter 2, end­ing Sep­tem­ber 30. Recruit’s HR tech­nol­o­gy seg­ment led growth with a year over year increase of 40.1% on a report­ed basis. Recruit’s staffing record­ed an increase in rev­enue of 19.3% with glob­al staffing oper­a­tions in Europe, the US and Aus­tralia see­ing a year-over-year increase in rev­enue of 23.3% or 7.8% in con­stant cur­ren­cy, to ¥234 bil­lion (US$1.6 bil­lion). Impres­sive.
  • Jobs on Face­book is…dead: Yeah, I know – I also thought it was already dead! From the Face­book site: “Jobs on Face­book is shut­ting down. Jobs on Face­book will no longer be avail­able on the Face­book app, Face­book mobile web­site (m.facebook.com/jobs) or Face­book desk­top site for both employ­ers and seek­ers.” Well…that’s not a sur­prise!!
  • Beam­ery becomes a uni­corn: Tal­ent tech start­up Beam­ery has become Europe’s lat­est SaaS uni­corn as it takes in new fund­ing and reach­es the cov­et­ed mile­stone of over €1 bil­lion in val­u­a­tion. In 2022, amidst a chal­leng­ing glob­al cli­mate, Beam­ery has seen an increase in For­tune 500 clients – since the com­pa­ny’s Series C round, For­tune 500 rev­enue has risen by over 250%. Beam­ery’s largest cus­tomers are increas­ing their com­mit­ment to the solu­tion, with net reten­tion for For­tune 500 cus­tomers at 135%+. Con­grats!
  • Head­Hunter has anoth­er kin­da-up quar­ter: Head­Hunter, the No.1 Rus­sia- recruit­ment ver­ti­cal, has announced rev­enue of RUB4.74 bil­lion ($82.6 mil­lion U.S.) for the third quar­ter that end­ed 30 Sep­tem­ber 2022. The result is rel­a­tive­ly flat com­pared to RUB4.69 bil­lion for the same peri­od of 2021. Why the under­per­for­mance? This is attrib­ut­able to the uncer­tain­ty of future eco­nom­ic prospects on the back of the lat­est geopo­lit­i­cal devel­op­ments and a decrease in the num­ber of pay­ing cus­tomers in small and medi­um accounts. Hmm.
  • Job.com rais­es funds: Job.com, the AI-enabled tech­nol­o­gy recruit­ment plat­form, has secured an undis­closed invest­ment from two New York and Cal­i­for­nia-based finan­cial insti­tu­tions, Serengeti Asset Man­age­ment and Ghost Tree Part­ners. The invest­ment will accel­er­ate the deliv­ery and devel­op­ment of Job.com’s tech­nol­o­gy and fund fur­ther acqui­si­tions in the recruit­ment and staffing sec­tor. Job.com has made a total of six acqui­si­tions since the sum­mer of 2020, a strat­e­gy the com­pa­ny intends to con­tin­ue. Sounds like 2023 will be active!
  • Glints cuts staff: Sin­ga­pore-based recruit­ment mar­ket­place Glints has laid off around 18% of its over 1,100 employ­ees, amid oth­er cost-cut­ting mea­sures. Some 198 employ­ees have been affect­ed by the job loss­es. Glints has recent­ly com­plet­ed a Series D fund­ing round worth $50 mil­lion U.S., co-led by DCM Ven­tures, Laven­der Hill Cap­i­tal and for­mer investor Per­sol Hold­ings. Best of luck to those affect­ed.
  • Funded.club launch­es job board for star­tups: Funded.club has launched a new job board with over 20,000 glob­al job ready to be filled. Ray Gib­son, Founder and CEO of Funded.club, said: “We arrived at the need for a job board to serve star­tups with more resources to screen can­di­dates on their own, while small­er teams still pre­fer our ful­ly-man­aged head­hunt­ing ser­vice.” The new job board will not accept reg­is­tra­tions from recruit­ment or non-start­up employ­ers. Con­grats!
  • Boss Zhipin rev­enue falls: Rev­enue at Chi­na-based recruit­ment mar­ket­place Boss Zhipin, also known as Kanzhun Lim­it­ed, fell 2.7% year-on-year (yoy) in the three months to Sep­tem­ber (Q3 2022), to RMB1.1 bil­lion ($165 mil­lion U.S.). Oper­at­ing prof­it declined 55.7% yoy to RMB137 mil­lion ($19.4 mil­lion). A chal­leng­ing eco­nom­ic envi­ron­ment exac­er­bat­ed by Covid-19 lock­downs in var­i­ous Chi­nese cities was the main dri­ver of the in rev­enue and oper­at­ing prof­its, accord­ing to the com­pa­ny. Not sur­pris­ing.
  • Hunt Club rais­es lot­sa cash: Hunt Club, a Chica­go-based tal­ent plat­form that uti­lizes refer­rals, announced a $40 mil­lion series B fund­ing round co-led by West­Cap and Sator Grove. The invest­ment fol­lows Hunt Club’s $10 mil­lion series A financ­ing in Octo­ber 2021 and will fuel the com­pa­ny’s nation­al expan­sion and tech­nol­o­gy plat­form enhance­ments. Hunt Club’s rev­enue grew by 156% year over year in 2021 and placed over 1,000 lead­ers in top tech jobs across mul­ti­ple sec­tors. Inter­est­ing.
  • Jobil­la merges with…Jobilla: Helsin­ki-based Jobil­la has announced a merg­er with Jobil­la Ned­er­land, as the firm cre­ates a new busi­ness Jobil­la Benelux BV. The new sub­sidiary joins Jobil­la Fin­land and Jobil­la DACH GmbH to become the third fun­da­men­tal pil­lar of the Jobil­la . The firm cur­rent­ly has over 4000 clients in 56 coun­tries. Whole lot­ta Jobil­la goin’ on!
  • Hir­ing­Solved adds can­di­date-to-job match­ing:  Hir­ing­Solved intro­duced a can­di­date-to-job match­ing fea­ture to its user pro­files, with the goal of mak­ing “sourc­ing eas­i­er than ever before.” The new fea­ture uses nat­ur­al lan­guage pro­cess­ing to rank can­di­dates for roles, using a built-in five-star rat­ing sys­tem. the rat­ings give recruiters “a clear pic­ture of each can­di­date quick­ly,” the com­pa­ny said.  ​Hir­ing­Solved links recruit­ing data­bas­es, sim­pli­fies recruit­ing work­flows and deliv­ers data insights to help tal­ent acqui­si­tion pro­fes­sion­als match the right peo­ple to the right roles more quick­ly. Inter­est­ing.
  • Info Edge rev­enue up 46%: Info Edge India Ltd., the par­ent com­pa­ny of Naukri and 99Acres, has post­ed $66 mil­lion U.S. in rev­enues for Q2 FY22-23. Rev­enues are up by 46% year-on-year, as the cor­re­spond­ing fig­ure for Q2 FY21-22 (to Sept. 2021) stood at $45 mil­lion. Naukri.com, along with oth­er recruit­ment solu­tions, con­tin­ues to be Info Edge’s pri­ma­ry rev­enue dri­ver. More good news.
  • LinkedIn has news: LinkedIn final­ly shuts the book on HiQ– LinkedIn VP of legal Sarah Wright said HiQ Labs, which no longer oper­ates, had also agreed to destroy all source code, data, and algo­rithms cre­at­ed when it scraped LinkedIn mem­ber pro­files in vio­la­tion of the net­work­ing site’s user agree­ment. the big guys won that one. In oth­er LI news, it is rolling out a “focused” option for incom­ing mes­sages with oth­ers rel­e­gat­ed to an “oth­er” box; and it’s turn­ing on new auto­mat­ic spam and harass­ment detec­tion and a new fea­ture to report unwant­ed mes­sag­ing. These fea­tures seem nec­es­sary giv­en the con­tin­ued growth in plat­form usage. Let’s see how it actu­al­ly works.
  • ChefMe is a job board for pri­vate chefs:  Copen­hagen-based pri­vate chef book­ing plat­form ChefMe has raised €700,000 in a pre-seed fund­ing round. The cap­i­tal will be used to fur­ther solid­i­fy its posi­tion as the Nordics’ lead­ing pri­vate chefs plat­form, expand to new mar­kets, and cre­ate new fea­tures. ChefMe pro­vides a plat­form con­nect­ing (and book­ing) those that love eat­ing food with those that love prepar­ing it. Intrigu­ing.
  • Gru­pa Pracuj rev­enue up: Gru­pa Pracuj, par­ent com­pa­ny of the No. 1 recruit­ment ver­ti­cal in Poland, Pracuj.pl, and the lead­ing Ukraine-based job site Rabota.ua, saw rev­enue of PLN184 mil­lion ($40.7 mil­lion U.S.) in Q3 of 2022 — up by 45.3% from PLN126 mil­lion in Q3 2021. Its EBITDA increased by 13.8% to PLN85.3 mil­lion ($18.9 mil­lion U.S.) from PLN74.9 mil­lion in the same peri­od a year ear­li­er. Rev­enues from Ukraine account­ed for 2.9% of the total rev­enues of Gru­pa Pracuj while the rest came from the activ­i­ties of recruit­ment tech provider Soft­Gar­den in Ger­many (28.1%) and of Pracuj.pl and appli­cant track­ing sys­tem ERe­cruiter in Poland (69%). Con­grats!

This clos­es out anoth­er stel­lar year for the job board and recruit­ment mar­ket­ing indus­try. Despite rum­blings in some sec­tors and lay­offs in the tech indus­try, the mar­ket still seems strong for hir­ing tech. Let’s see what 2023 will bring!

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