Central A&M FFA participates in Section 16 FFA Job Interview LDE – The Breeze-Courier

: job interview lde

On Wednes­day, Decem­ber 7, 2022. Pey­ton Dial, Saman­tha Hazel­won­der, and Kam­dyn Durbin of the A&M FFA Chap­ter par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Job Inter­view Lead­er­ship Event (LDE) held at Tay­lorville High School. Pey­ton and Saman­tha com­pet­ed in the Var­si­ty divi­sion and Kam­dyn com­pet­ed in the JV divi­sion. This LDE pre­pares stu­dents with a real-world expe­ri­ence of apply­ing and for a of their choice. have to write a and , out a job , go through a phone inter­view and a face-to-face per­son­al inter­view, and then, last­ly, write a fol­low-up inter­view let­ter. Great job to indi­vid­u­als. Pic­tured left to right; Saman­tha Hazel­won­der; Kam­dyn Durbin; and Pey­ton Dial.
Sub­mit­ted Pho­to

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