California’s Year in Bike Policy

Accord­ing to Kevin Clax­ton of Cal­Bike, 2022 was a ban­ner year for bike and pedes­tri­an advo­ca­cy in Cal­i­for­nia. Among the biggest suc­cess­es:

  • The largest-ever in active trans­porta­tion
  • Major leg­isla­tive wins for bike and pedes­tri­an
  • Many bike advo­cates won elec­tion to the state leg­is­la­ture
  • of a statewide elec­tric bike rebate pro­gram slat­ed to begin in 2023

Clax­ton points out despite the news, the state could do more to pro­mote safe streets. “Cities and towns under­stand that safe streets for all modes are essen­tial for cre­at­ing liv­able, com­mu­ni­ties. It’s time for the state to under­stand that too, and devote more mon­ey to bike­ways and less to ,” Clax­ton writes.

The source arti­cle links to a leg­isla­tive recap of bike-relat­ed leg­is­la­tion, and explains the effect of some bills passed this year. Most notably, “The Free­dom to Walk Act pre­vents police from issu­ing jay­walk­ing tick­ets unless the per­son was endan­ger­ing them­selves or oth­ers. That unnec­es­sary and often biased tick­et­ing that impacts dis­ad­van­taged com­mu­ni­ties the most.”

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