California Officials Propose Changes to Freeway ‘Airspace’ Storage Program

In the wake of an under­pass fire that shut down a of Inter­state 10 in down­town Los Ange­les Novem­ber, trans­porta­tion offi­cials want to make changes to the state pro­gram that leas­es space under and near free­ways, known as ‘.’

As Christo­pher Weber explains in an arti­cle for ABC 7, the changes “ explic­it­ly ban of haz­ardous mate­ri­als like wood pal­lets and gaso­line and scruti­ny of peo­ple who want to rent out the prop­er­ties.”

The fire that broke out on Novem­ber 11 of last year was fueled by wood­en pal­lets, hand san­i­tiz­er, and oth­er mate­ri­als stored in of the lease and dam­aged the free­way struc­ture. “Since the fire, Cal­trans has inspect­ed 47 sites, most of which were iden­ti­fied as poten­tial­ly high-risk and some that more than one par­cel. Of these parcels, more than three quar­ters failed their inspec­tions.”

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