Braille Signage Now at All Vancouver Bus Stops

Van­cou­ver’s TransLink became the in Cana­da to include Braille signs on every bus in their sys­tem, accord­ing to an arti­cle in Mass Tran­sit.

“In addi­tion to the braille and tac­tile sig­nage, tac­tile walk­ing sur­face indi­ca­tors have been installed at every bus stop locat­ed on prop­er­ty that TransLink owns. The raised sur­face indi­ca­tors are mount­ed on the ground to help cus­tomers who are blind or par­tial­ly sight­ed know they are near a bus stop while help­ing direct them to the front of the bus.”

The signs include Eng­lish Braille and raised tac­tile let­ters, bus stop and route num­bers, bay or bus stop indi­ca­tors, and a num­bers. “The changes are the result of robust engage­ment Tran­sit Users’ Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee, the CNIB, and oth­er stake­hold­ers in the region.”

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