Beverly Hills Installs First ‘Green Street’

A three-block medi­an in Bev­er­ly is thriv­ing as the city’s first ‘green street,’ just in time for this mon­th’s unusu­al­ly wet . As Tabor Brew­ster reports in Bev­er­ly Press, “The Bur­ton Way green street and effi­cient land­scape project is in the stages of test­ing and is set to offi­cial­ly open at a rib­bon- cer­e­mo­ny at Rex­ford Mini Park on Wednes­day, Feb. 28, at 11 a.m.”

The project is expect­ed to reduce water pol­lu­tion and water con­sump­tion by col­lect­ing rain­wa­ter and runoff. “Accord­ing to envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance and pro­gram man­ag­er Josette Descal­zo, the project fea­tures a storm drain that will divert water – from both rain and excess irri­ga­tion – into the medi­an on Bur­ton Way. From there, the water will be fil­tered by two 15--wide veg­e­tat­ed also known as bioswales.”

Accord­ing to May­or Julian Gold, the city plans to install sim­i­lar projects to meet its sus­tain­abil­i­ty goals. “[Cal­i­for­nia] emer­gency water reg­u­la­tions also require Bev­er­ly Hills to reduce its water con­sump­tion by 32%, and this project will save about 5 mil­lion gal­lons of water annu­al­ly, accord­ing to the city.”

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