The 2022–23 survey results are in — check them out!

Survey resultsThe results are in – and things have changed a bit from 2021! Folks seem con­sid­er­ably opti­mistic about their busi­ness­es – although per­haps not so opti­mistic about the . The sur­vey, which includ­ed respon­dents from every area of the globe – from Amer­i­ca to Africa, from the UK to Aus­tralia, and more – has data from job boards big and small, aggre­ga­tors, recruit­ment mar­ket­ing , agen­cies, con­tent hubs, and much more. Here are some of the more inter­est­ing find­ings:

  • Dura­tion-based job post­ings com­prised most of the rev­enue for 52% of the respon­dents, and dura­tion-based job slots com­prised 16%
  • Pay-per-hire con­tributed the most rev­enue for just 3% of the respon­dents, ver­sus pay-per-click pro­vid­ing the most rev­enue for 19% of the respon­dents (I sus­pect year’s fig­ures may be a bit dif­fer­ent!)
  • Exter­nal eco­nom­ic fac­tors, such as reces­sion, are the sin­gle biggest threat for 37% of respon­dents; 34% said that lack of can­di­dates was the biggest dan­ger
  • 60% of the sites sur­veyed rely on an inter­nal sales staff to gen­er­ate rev­enue
  • Only 40% of the respon­dents uti­lize aggre­ga­tors; of those, the most use Adzu­na (53%)
  • 54% of respon­dents say that job alerts pro­duce the high­est qual­i­ty of appli­cant traf­fic
  • Respon­dents con­tin­ue to be opti­mistic about the future – 81% are either very or some­what opti­mistic about their site’s oppor­tu­ni­ties in the next 12 months

There’s more sur­vey results in the full report, of course – and the news is you can down­load it right now. Remem­ber- the sur­vey is free to access, but it does require a (very) sim­ple . (NOTE: You’ll also need Adobe Read­er or anoth­er that can dis­play PDFs.). Also, don’t for­get that you can down­load sur­vey results for any year from 2010 onwards – in case you want to see how things have changed.

Thanks again to all of the par­tic­i­pants – your input makes this sur­vey use­ful and valu­able!


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