Friday Funny: The Onion Blasts U.S. for Slow Trains

“Address­ing the Peo­ple’s Con­gress about the press­ing need to dras­ti­cal­ly low­er stan­dards, Xi Jin­ping wor­ried that the States was out­pac­ing on poor­ly func­tion­ing low- trains,” reads a total­ly made up, fake arti­cle by The Onion.

Still, like most arti­cles by The Onion to plan­ning, the satire bites because of how close­ly the arti­cle the mark.

“Chi­na must do worse as a coun­try,” reads a total­ly fab­ri­cat­ed states­men by Pres­i­dent Xi Jin­ping in the source arti­cle, you can read at the link below.

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