Worker Says Key to Job Interviews Is Being Enthusiastic

Tik­Tok is over­flow­ing with job tips, rang­ing from ques­tions appli­cants should ask recruiters to ways to spice up one’s resume. Now, anoth­er tip has gone viral, and it’s all about enthu­si­asm.

Erin McGoff (@erinmcgoff) is a film­mak­er who uses her plat­form on Tik­Tok to offer career advice and share oth­er of her life. As part of this series, she post­ed a video about job inter­views, quick­ly accru­ing over 176,000 views.

“I swear, half of being good at job inter­views is just being enthu­si­as­tic,” she says. “, all you have to do is just be excit­ed.”

She then offers two of the same mes­sage, one deliv­ered with a cold, straight­for­ward demeanor and the oth­er with more pos­i­tive lan­guage and a smile.

’s lit­er­al­ly all it is,” she con­cludes.

@erinmcgoff humans are irra­tional, emo­tion­al crea­tures. lean into it 🤠 #jobin­ter­view #career­ad­vice #inter­viewtips ♬ orig­i­nal sound – Erin McGoff 🎬✨

There’s some data to back this up. Accord­ing to U.K.-based recruit­ing firm Heat Recruit­ment, their inter­nal data sug­gests that “4 in 10 employ­ers would reject a can­di­date if they showed no enthu­si­asm.”

On Tik­Tok, view­ers spoke to the verac­i­ty of Erin’s state­ment.

“This is exact­ly how I got all my jobs haha­ha,” wrote one user. “just smile and be to be there.”

“So true!! Be . It’s a big plus,” added anoth­er. “I always get com­pli­ments for my per­son­al­i­ty.”

“So true. Ener­gy is every­thing in inter­views,” offered a third. “Engag­ing with the inter­view­er in an enthu­si­as­tic way and ask­ing ques­tions will get you far.”

A fur­ther user said that, even as an intro­vert, exud­ing enthu­si­asm and con­fi­dence led them to suc­cess. “I’m an anx­ious intro­vert and I lit­er­al­ly EXUDED con­fi­dence for a week straight. Got 5 inter­views. Got 5 offers,” they explained.. “Now I can be tired and qui­et again.”

How­ev­er, some claimed the tip was­n’t uni­ver­sal.

“Not in Ger­many trust me. They HATE enthu­si­as­tic peo­ple here,” laughed a com­menter.

“I lit­er­al­ly got told by a man­ag­er that I was not get­ting the job because I was too excit­ed man,” claimed a sec­ond.

The Dai­ly Dot reached out to Erin via her web­site con­tact form.


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*First Pub­lished: Sep 24, 2022, 12:47 pm CDT

Braden Bjella

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Braden Bjel­la is a cul­ture writer. His can be found in Mix­mag, Elec­tron­ic Beats, Schön! mag­a­zine, and more.

Braden Bjella

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