Top 10 Best Free Job Posting Sites

Opin­ions expressed by Entre­pre­neur con­trib­u­tors are their own.

Sourc­ing and recruit­ing tal­ent in today’s job mar­ket can be hard espe­cial­ly with the rise of remote work which has great­ly the tal­ent pool. When search­ing for your next employ­ee, employ­ers don’t have to spend a ton of mon­ey on recruiters or paid job boards to find the per­fect tal­ent. 

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Teera Kon­akan | Get­ty Images

Here are 10 of the best job sites that allow employ­ers to post free job list­ings, con­nect with appli­cants, and man­age the inter­view process. 

While most job sites below offer free options, some only see suc­cess when boost­ing your job posts with paid ads. For a tru­ly free plat­form with no com­mit­ments, ZipRecruiter offers the best free tri­al. It’s no won­der that 80% of employ­ers who post on ZipRecruiter get a qual­i­fied through the site with­in the first day.

ZipRecruiter – Best Over­all Pack­age
ZipRecruiter’s job tem­plates make it easy to write job descrip­tions and post your free job list­ing in min­utes. ZipRecruiter’s match­ing tech­nol­o­gy can scan thou­sands of resumes and sug­gest can­di­dates with the right skills, edu­ca­tion, and expe­ri­ence with the option to send per­son­al­ized notes invit­ing can­di­dates to offi­cial­ly apply for the posi­tion. Keep your appli­cants orga­nized with ZipRecruiter’s dash­board which allows you to sort, review, and rate your can­di­dates. Plus, hands down, ZipRecruiter offers the best free tri­al with no com­mit­ments. With ZipRecruiter, you’re nev­er locked in to 30-day job posts. Once you’ve hired some­one, you can close the posi­tion and replace it with a new one!

One of the largest job search engines, Indeed allows employ­ers to post free job post­ings and use its appli­cant dash­board to keep track of can­di­date resumes, inter­views, rat­ings, etc. Employ­ers can post jobs and man­age appli­cants for free with the option to boost vis­i­bil­i­ty via pay-per-click ads. 

Sim­ply­Hired con­nects employ­ers with job across more than 100 job boards and allows employ­ers to post jobs for free. The catch? You’ll have to pay a fee to con­tact can­di­dates you feel are a good fit for the job. Still, the pay-to-con­tact mod­el can be much less expen­sive than pay­ing fees to recruiters. 

For high­er, $80K+ salaried jobs, Lad­ders can be a great option for free job post­ings. Employ­ers are allowed to post up to 10 job list­ings a month, view 10 resumes per month, and send 10 emails per month for free. There are pro­mo­tion pack­age options to boost your list­ings and paid-plan lev­els to increase your abil­i­ty to post more jobs, read more resumes and respond to more can­di­dates. 

Employ­ers can post free job list­ings via the com­pa­ny’s offi­cial Face­book page. Qual­i­fied can­di­dates are like­ly already spend­ing time on Face­book, so this can be a great way to get your job open­ing out to a large pool of can­di­dates for free. Poten­tial can­di­dates will be able to see the job post­ing under the Jobs book­mark or on Face­book . Employ­ers can accept and man­age appli­ca­tions via the com­pa­ny’s Mes­sen­ger account or by email, if pre­ferred. And of course, all job post­ings can be for addi­tion­al expo­sure.

Scout­ed is a smart plat­form that lever­age AI data analy­sis to match can­di­dates to your job post­ings based on require­ments and skills sets. It’s a great resource for find­ing entry-lev­el to mid- tal­ent. Plus, employ­ers only have to pay if decide to hire a can­di­date. Scout­ed also offers paid tiers lev­els which allow employ­ers to review top job appli­cants and even work direct­ly with an account man­ag­er who will curate top job appli­cants for the posi­tion.

Upwork is an excel­lent resource for your employ­ers look­ing for free­lance or remote-work posi­tions. Employ­ers can post jobs for free, but there is a stan­dard pro­cess­ing fee for any con­tracts made via Upwork. Employ­ers can also upgrade to access a account man­ag­er and addi­tion­al resources start­ing at $49.99. With Upwork Tal­ent Scout, employ­ers can lean on Upwork recruiters to sift through resumes, screen skill sets and find strong match­es for projects – help­ing save employ­ers a ton of time when free­lancers on a project-basis.

PostJobFree allows employ­ers to post their job list­ings and search resumes for free on its basic site, but you’ll have to upgrade to a pre­mi­um sub­scrip­tion to receive unlim­it­ed resume views and unlock con­tact infor­ma­tion for can­di­dates. Still, a good start­ing point to post free jobs and PostJobFree also dis­trib­utes to oth­er job boards like Indeed and ZipRecruiter for added poten­tial expo­sure.

Lever­age Wis­es­tep’s 14-day tri­al to post an unlim­it­ed num­ber of free jobs and have unlim­it­ed access to search through resumes and com­mu­ni­cate with can­di­dates. Wis­es­tep syncs with your social net­works to get the word out about your ’s posi­tions and will also broad­cast your job post­ing to major job boards like Mon­ster, Career­Builder and more. After your tri­al, employ­ers can upgrade to a Pro­fes­sion­al account for $10/month per user or Enter­prise lev­el account (for 50 users or more) for con­tin­ued access.

Anoth­er great plat­form to lever­age free job post­ings and auto­mat­i­cal­ly have them cross-post­ed on major job sites like Google, LinkedIn, Face­book and more. Work­able offers a 15-day free tri­al to post free jobs, sort through resumes from all plat­forms in their sin­gle dash­board, com­mu­ni­cate with can­di­dates and sched­ule inter­views. After your free tri­al, Work­able’s Pay­Go plan is $99 per job per month – best for employ­ers who have occa­sion­al hir­ing needs.

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