Timeline of Amazon’s logistics growth as it looks to test UPS, FedEx

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Amazon boxes black backgroundAmazon boxes black background

Ama­zon is grab­bing onto logis­tics as yet anoth­er indus­try for it to dis­rupt.
Hol­lis Johnson/ Insid­er

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  • Ama­zon qui­et­ly became a logis­tics giant in the 2010s.
  • And its net­work of planes, trains, ships, vans, and trucks aren’t just for mov­ing your Prime pack­ages.
  • Increas­ing­ly, indus­try watch­ers say Ama­zon’s bur­geon­ing logis­tics net­work will soon com­pete with FedEx and UPS. 
  • Lead­er­ship of FedEx and UPS, the two pack­age deliv­ery main­stays, had long reject­ed that Ama­zon is a threat. Now, they’re admit­ting that Ama­zon is indeed a com­peti­tor. 
  • Here’s a decade look back at how Ama­zon became a trans­porta­tion giant this year. 
  • Click here for more BI Prime sto­ries.

Ama­zon has fueled the world’s demand for free, fast ship­ping. But free ship­ping has end­ed up being pret­ty expen­sive for Ama­zon itself. 

Ama­zon’s world­wide ship­ping costs grew fif­teen­fold from 2009 to 2018. Mean­while, net sales have increased sev­en­fold.

That’s moti­vat­ed the tech-retail-media-adver­tis­ing-and-so-on giant to add anoth­er indus­try it’s vying to dis­rupt: logis­tics. 

“Ama­zon has built a glob­al end-to-end logis­tics net­work that com­pris­es of their own inter­nal last-mile net­work, their own trucks, their own trains, their own planes, their own truck bro­ker­age, and their own air and ocean freight for­ward­ing,” Mor­gan Stan­ley ana­lyst Ravi Shanker told Busi­ness Insid­er in 2019.

amazon shipping cost vs sales growth

SEC fil­ings; Andy Kiersz/Business Insid­er

Ama­zon lead­er­ship has told investors that its inter­est in logis­tics is to slash those costs and give cus­tomers a bet­ter expe­ri­ence. But indus­try watch­ers say Ama­zon’s goals lie else­where — in dis­rupt­ing UPS and FedEx. 

Ama­zon did not pro­vide a com­ment for this arti­cle. 

There’s seri­ous mon­ey in mov­ing pack­ages. UPS grossed near­ly $72 bil­lion in 2018, while FedEx brought in more than $65 bil­lion in rev­enue. And that does­n’t even total in the hun­dreds of bil­lions that the truck­ing, rail, ocean freight, and air car­go indus­tries are worth.

Mean­while, the lead­ers in logis­tics are increas­ing­ly see­ing the com­pa­ny as a com­peti­tor, not just a cus­tomer.

“UPS con­tin­ues to pro­vide inno­v­a­tive solu­tions to all of our cus­tomers to help them grow and suc­ceed,” a UPS spokesper­son told Busi­ness Insid­er. “Ama­zon is a good cus­tomer with whom we main­tain a mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial rela­tion­ship.

“There is more to e‑commerce than Ama­zon,” he added. “UPS is cre­at­ing inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts and part­ner­ing with com­pa­nies to offer a suite of solu­tions to serve small, medi­um and large e‑tailers around the world. Our cus­tomer base is diverse and we pro­vide ser­vices to many of these cus­tomers across our entire port­fo­lio.”

amazon delivery shipping breakdown

Wolfe Research; Andy Kiersz/Business Insid­er

Mean­while, FedEx sev­ered its Ama­zon busi­ness in its US air and ground net­work this year — sig­nalling an inter­est in cap­tur­ing all non-Ama­zon e‑ecommerce. 

“FedEx is focused on serv­ing the address­able $550 bil­lion glob­al trans­porta­tion and logis­tics mar­ket,” a FedEx spokesper­son told Busi­ness Insid­er. “With­in that mar­ket, there is sig­nif­i­cant demand and oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth in e‑commerce, which is expect­ed to grow from 50 mil­lion to 100 mil­lion pack­ages a day in the US by 2026.

“FedEx has already built out the net­work and capac­i­ty to serve thou­sands of retail­ers in the e‑commerce space,” he added. “We are part­ner­ing with major retail­ers to sup­port their growth through our best-in-class port­fo­lio of inno­v­a­tive solu­tions, such as FedEx Extra Hours, the launch of sev­en-day deliv­er­ies via FedEx Ground and our FedEx retail con­ve­nience net­work.”

Ama­zon’s growth into a logis­tics com­pa­ny did­n’t hap­pen overnight, so Busi­ness Insid­er cre­at­ed a time­line track­ing how and why Ama­zon has moved into the trans­porta­tion indus­tries. Here’s what hap­pened: 

March 2012: Amazon robot maker Kiva Systems for $775 million

Amazon's Kiva robots

Reuters / Noah Berg­er

Before Ama­zon built its own net­work of planes, trains, and trucks, it began cre­at­ing a ful­fill­ment cen­ter net­work. The first Ama­zon ful­fill­ment cen­ter opened in 1999. 

By 2012, it had 40 ful­fill­ment cen­ters nation­wide. And, as more and more cus­tomers demand­ed Ama­zon Prime’s speedy ship­ment, trans­porta­tion costs were start­ing to track upward. 

That’s the year Ama­zon start­ed tak­ing seri­ous­ly the need to slash its trans­porta­tion costs — a theme that per­vad­ed the 2010s as its ful­fill­ment costs began to boom.  

For that pur­pose, Ama­zon acquired Kiva Sys­tems for $775 mil­lion. Kiva’s autonomous ware­house tech­nol­o­gy would help asso­ciates “pick, pack, and stow” Ama­zon goods.

December 2013: Amazon customers don’t get their orders by Christmas, and it becomes clear that the US Postal Service, FedEx, and UPS won’t be able to deliver all of Amazon’s packages.

fedex ups air

aviation-images.com/ Images Group via Get­ty Images

Ama­zon’s third-par­ty deliv­ery part­ners, name­ly UPS and FedEx, failed to deliv­er pack­ages on time for Christ­mas Day.

Ama­zon had to issue $20 gift cards and apolo­gies to cus­tomers.

Indus­try watch­ers took the hol­i­day fail­ure as a sign that Ama­zon would like­ly invest in its own inter­nal logis­tics net­work.  

April 2014: Amazon begins delivering groceries through its own courier service

amazon fresh

REUTERS/Jonathan Alcorn

The Wall Street Jour­nal that, months after Ama­zon’s Christ­mas fias­co, the e‑commerce giant was exper­i­ment­ing with last-mile deliv­er­ies.

A fleet of green Ama­zon­Fresh trucks was spot­ted in San Fran­cis­co, with reports that Ama­zon would build out its same-day gro­cery deliv­ery busi­ness in New York and Seat­tle next.

How­ev­er, the ser­vice was spot­ty in ear­ly days. Con­sumers told The Jour­nal in 2014 that their “Ama­zon Logistics”-shipped orders were late.

September 2015: Amazon launches Amazon Flex

amazon flex


Seen as a shot to Post­mates, Ama­zon launch­es Ama­zon Flex to pow­er its one-hour Prime Now offer­ing. Prime Now was announced in Decem­ber 2014.

Work­ers can earn $18 to $25 an hour through Ama­zon Flex and must use their own vehi­cles.

November 2015: Amazon partners with ATSG to launch Amazon Prime Air

amazon prime air

AP Photo/Ted S. War­ren, File)

A Moth­er­board inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that a client lat­er con­firmed to be Ama­zon was con­tract­ing four planes with Air Trans­port Ser­vices Group out of Wilm­ing­ton, Ohio.

“It is the per­fect set­up,” Bran­don Fried, exec­u­tive direc­tor at the air freight for­ward­ing advo­ca­cy group Air­for­warders Asso­ci­a­tion, told Moth­er­board at the time. “It’s ready to go, it’s turnkey: They have ware­hous­ing, and they have a very sophis­ti­cat­ed land­ing sys­tem in place, so it would­n’t be out­landish for them to bring the car­go in using a fleet of planes.”

December 2015: Amazon acquires thousands of branded trailers for big rigs

Amazon tractor trailer semi truck.

Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images

Ama­zon acquired “thou­sands” of truck trail­ers, accord­ing to a sto­ry from Recode. This would move Ama­zon goods between ful­fill­ment cen­ters, as well as from ful­fill­ment cen­ter to sort cen­ters (where the com­pa­ny sorts parcels by zip code to then be deliv­ered by USPS).

The com­pa­ny empha­sized to Recode it would still rely on oth­er truck­ing part­ners to car­ry goods, but that this move would give it “addi­tion­al capac­i­ty.”

March 2016: Amazon leases 20 Boeing 767 cargo jets from ATSG

Prime Air Amazon Boeing

Sinéad Baker/Business Insid­er

Ama­zon expand­ed on its tri­al run with ATSG to lease 20 planes from the Ohio-based air­line. That makes it the only Amer­i­can retail­er with its own ded­i­cat­ed air car­go ser­vice.

Ama­zon also can its to up to 80 planes and can acquire $600 mil­lion of ATS­G’s shares — just under a fifth of the com­pa­ny. The car­go oper­a­tion is based 50 miles north­east of Cincin­nati, in the spot of a for­mer DHL hub. 

On a Jan­u­ary 28, 2016, earn­ings call, Ama­zon CFO Bri­an Olsavsky said:

In order to prop­er­ly serve our cus­tomers at peak, we’ve need­ed to add more of our own logis­tics to sup­ple­ment our exist­ing part­ners … Those car­ri­ers are just no longer able to han­dle all of our capac­i­ty that we need at peak. They have been and con­tin­ue to be great partners.t’s just we’ve had to add some resources on our own.”

May 2016: Amazon leases another 20 Boeing 767 planes and adds a new cargo partner — Atlas Air Worldwide

amazon plane

AP/Ted S. War­ren

Six months after the world learned Ama­zon was pilot­ing an air car­go ser­vice, the megare­tail­er signed on a new part­ner — and 20 more planes. That brought its total fleet to 40 car­go car­ri­ers.

Atlas Air World­wide, a Pur­chase, New York-based com­pa­ny, said Ama­zon would also have the right to acquire up to 30% of the air car­go com­pa­ny.

“We are excit­ed to wel­come a great provider, Atlas Air, to sup­port pack­age deliv­ery to the rapid­ly grow­ing num­ber of Prime mem­bers who love ultra-fast deliv­ery, great prices and vast selec­tion from Ama­zon,” said Dave Clark, Ama­zon’s senior vice pres­i­dent of world­wide oper­a­tions, at the time. 

March 2016: FedEx CEO Fred Smith calls the idea that Amazon threatens his company ‘fantastical’ for the first time

fred smith fedex

FedEx founder and CEO Fred Smith.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

As Ama­zon’s logis­tics moves bur­geoned, investors start­ed to pres­sure UPS and FedEx on what they were doing to pre­vent the loss of a mas­sive cus­tomer. More­over, they start­ed to won­der what the pack­age giants would do if Ama­zon start­ed to seri­ous­ly dis­rupt pack­age han­dling. 

For the first time (and cer­tain­ly not the last), FedEx founder and CEO Fred Smith rebuked that idea on a quar­ter­ly earn­ings call on March 16, 2016, call­ing the idea “fan­tas­ti­cal.” He added that reporters and ana­lysts who believe Ama­zon could dis­rupt FedEx and its peers are “devoid of in-depth knowl­edge of logis­tic sys­tems and the mar­kets which FedEx serves.”

Read more: Gold­man Sachs says Ama­zon’s logis­tics net­work is hard­ly a threat to FedEx or UPS. It needs years of new con­struc­tion and a whop­ping $122 bil­lion just to catch up.

“While recent sto­ries and reports of a new enti­ty com­pet­ing with the three major car­ri­ers in the grabs head­lines, the real­i­ty is it would be a daunt­ing task requir­ing tens of bil­lions of dol­lars in cap­i­tal and years to build suf­fi­cient scale and den­si­ty to repli­cate exist­ing net­works like FedEx,” Mike Glenn, pres­i­dent of FedEx Ser­vices, added dur­ing the call.

Lat­er that year, UPS CEO David Abney echoed Smith’s sen­ti­ment. 

“We don’t believe that Ama­zon’s strat­e­gy is to do it them­selves and the rea­son we believe that is we have this huge infra­struc­ture, we’re invest­ing in tech­nol­o­gy, we have a great mutu­al rela­tion­ship with them,” Abney said in a CNBC inter­view in Decem­ber 2016.

January 2017: Amazon acquires ocean freight forwarding license, and begins building a $1.5B air hub in Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky

freight containers

REUTERS/Esam Omran Al-Fetori

Ama­zon kicked off 2017 with two big pieces of news. 

One, the bur­geon­ing trans­porta­tion com­pa­ny had opened its own ocean freight for­warder — mean­ing it books space for con­tain­ers on ocean ves­sels and on the trucks that move imports from port to ware­house. 

From Octo­ber 2016 to Jan­u­ary 2017, Ama­zon moved 150 con­tain­ers of goods from Chi­na, accord­ing to a in The Wall Street Jour­nal. 

“This is just anoth­er cog in the sup­ply chain that they’re putting under their con­trol, as well as cre­at­ing new rev­enue streams,” John Haber, chief exec­u­tive of sup­ply chain con­sul­tan­cy Spend Man­age­ment Experts, told the Jour­nal at the time.

Two, it announced plans to open a $1.5 bil­lion air hub at the Cincinnati/Northern Ken­tucky Inter­na­tion­al Air­port. That’s the air­port where Ama­zon began pilot­ing Ama­zon Air just two years ago.

November 2017: Amazon launches an app that could help automate the process in which truck drivers are connected to loads


Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Get­ty Images

As truck bro­ker­age star­tups like Uber Freight and Con­voy began build­ing up, Ama­zon made its first for­ay into the world of tech in truck­ing. 

Ama­zon Relay, the new app, would allow truck dri­vers to check in to ful­fill­ment cen­ters with a QR code, CNBC report­ed. That eased one aspect of the paper- truck deliv­ery process — and hints that Ama­zon would make addi­tion­al moves into the world of truck­ing tech­nol­o­gy. 

February 2018: Amazon launches ‘Shipping with Amazon,’ which undercuts FedEx’s and UPS’ rates

amazon warehouse fulfillment center

Blazquez Dominguez/Getty

Ama­zon’s inten­tions to edge out UPS and FedEx were becom­ing clear­er than ever. 

The Wall Street Jour­nal report­ed that Ama­zon launched a ser­vice called “Ship­ping with Ama­zon.” Through that fea­ture, Ama­zon would pick up pack­ages from its third-par­ty mer­chants and ship them to cus­tomers. 

The ser­vice pilot­ed in Los Ange­les. And while it was aimed at Ama­zon’s third-par­ty sell­ers, sources told The Jour­nal that the com­pa­ny would some­day car­ry non-Ama­zon parcels too. 

By Novem­ber, sell­ers start­ed to con­firm that Ship­ping with Ama­zon was under­cut­ting UPS and FedEx rates. One LA-based sell­er told CNBC that the home­grown ser­vice was 50% cheap­er than UPS and 30% cheap­er than FedEx. 

June 2018: Amazon launches Delivery Service Partners (DSPs)

Amazon branded Van


Ama­zon made waves when it said it would offer Amer­i­cans $10,000 to open a deliv­ery busi­ness. 

That announce­ment kicked off a new pro­gram called Deliv­ery Ser­vice Part­ners to move goods in the last mile. DSPs are small busi­ness­es that Ama­zon are able to indi­rect­ly con­trol and quick­ly scale up and down — but they don’t have the same com­pli­ca­tions as hir­ing and man­ag­ing deliv­ery dri­vers direct­ly. 

“This pro­gram sig­nals that Ama­zon would like to ramp up its last-mile logis­tics oper­a­tion more quick­ly,” Col­in Sebas­t­ian, an ana­lyst at Baird, told CNN. 

September 2018: Amazon announces it will acquire 20,000 last-mile vans

amazon van

Pho­to by Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Get­ty Images

After announc­ing its DSP pro­gram, Ama­zon ordered some 5,000 Mer­cedes-Benz Sprint­er vans. 

Then, because there was so much pub­lic inter­est in the DSP pro­gram. the com­pa­ny acquired anoth­er 15,000. 

“We’ve been real­ly blown away by the num­ber of peo­ple who approached us,” Dave Clark, Ama­zon senior vice pres­i­dent of world­wide oper­a­tions, told CNN­Money. “We expect­ed a lot of inter­est but the sheer vol­ume — the tens of thou­sands of peo­ple who actu­al­ly went all the way through the process to make them­selves eli­gi­ble for the pro­gram — has been real­ly hum­bling.”

December 2018: Amazon adds 10 more planes, bringing the total to 50

amazon air

Ted S. Warren/AP

Ama­zon announced days before Christ­mas that it would add anoth­er 10 car­go jets to its air car­go net­work. 

It was the lat­est announce­ment from Ama­zon that sig­nals just how keen the e‑commerce jug­ger­naut is on expand­ing its own air ship­ping capa­bil­i­ties, rather than rely­ing on UPS, FedEx, USPS, and the like.

The pre­vi­ous week, Ama­zon announced it will expand its 72,000-square-foot car­go facil­i­ty at Chica­go Rock­ford Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to 200,000 square feet. It also announced that last week it would build a new region­al hub at Fort Worth Alliance Air­port, and a new sort­ing facil­i­ty in Ohio’s Wilm­ing­ton Air Park.

February 2019: Amazon declares itself a transportation company

FILE PHOTO: Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and Blue Origin speaks  during the JFK Space Summit, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., June 19, 2019.  REUTERS/Katherine Taylor/File Photo

Ama­zon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos.

In Jan­u­ary 2019, UPS CEO David Abney told Busi­ness Insid­er that he “mon­i­tors” Ama­zon as a com­peti­tor. It was the first time the CEO said Ama­zon was a com­peti­tor, not just a good cus­tomer. 

Read more: UPS CEO David Abney has final­ly admit­ted that he sees Ama­zon as a com­peti­tor

A week lat­er, Ama­zon con­firmed Abney’s strat­e­gy. The com­pa­ny added, for the first time, a line in its annu­al finan­cial fil­ing that it was a “trans­porta­tion and logis­tics ser­vices” com­pa­ny.

At the time, Ama­zon had just expand­ed Ama­zon Ship­ping (pre­vi­ous­ly “Ship­ping with Ama­zon”) to the New York area. The ser­vice, already in Los Ange­les and Lon­don, nixed fuel sur­charges and oth­er fees that FedEx and UPS place on its goods.

June 2019: Amazon adds another 15 planes

prime air

Stephen Brashear/Getty Images

Ama­zon said it would have 70 planes by 2021. 

“These new air­craft cre­ate addi­tion­al capac­i­ty for Ama­zon Air, build­ing on the invest­ment in our Prime Free One-Day pro­gram,” Dave Clark, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of World­wide Oper­a­tions at Ama­zon, said in a press release. 

July 2019: Amazon adds another 2,000 delivery vans

amazon vans

Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Get­ty Images

Busi­ness Insid­er report­ed that the e‑commerce giant bought 2,000 vans from Michi­gan-based spe­cial­ty vehi­cle com­pa­ny Spar­tan. 

These “step vans” are larg­er than its Mer­cedes-Benz Sprint­er vans and can hold more car­go.

“It would log­i­cal for them to be pro­vid­ing step vans,” Satish Jin­del, the pres­i­dent and prin­ci­pal con­sul­tant at SJ Con­sult­ing Group, told Busi­ness Insid­er. “As they are rapid­ly absorb­ing more and more pack­ages that they ship, they know the cube of the Mer­cedes van will be a lim­i­ta­tion.”

September 2019: Amazon announces it will acquire 100,000 delivery vans from Rivian

Amazon Rivian delivery vans

Dave Clark/Twitter

Ama­zon ordered 100,000 elec­tric deliv­ery vans from the elec­tric-vehi­cle start­up Riv­ian, which it also invest­ed in. The first vans will be ready by 2021.

Last-mile vehi­cles are an easy way for Ama­zon to green its sup­ply chain, and it pro­vides a way for Ama­zon to avoid exces­sive repairs. 

October 2019: Amazon rolls out branded tractors

amazon trucks

Cour­tesy of Brad Phipps

Busi­ness Insid­er report­ed that Ama­zon was match­ing its brand­ed trail­ers with brand­ed trac­tors. Vol­vo and Ken­worth man­u­fac­tured the trac­tors. 

The trac­tors are what are known as “day cabs,” rather than “sleep­er cabs,” indi­cat­ing that the dri­vers in the trucks won’t sleep there. So, the trucks will be used for dis­tances 400 miles or short­er, SJ Con­sult­ing Group’s prin­ci­pal con­sul­tant Satish Jin­del said.

December 2019: Amazon says it will deliver 3.5 billion packages in 2019

amazon package box

John Zeedick/AP Pho­tos

Ama­zon end­ed its wild decade becom­ing a logis­tics com­pa­ny with an impor­tant mile­stone: it would deliv­er 3.5 bil­lion pack­ages in 2019.

It sig­ni­fied that Ama­zon was now its biggest deliv­er­er — not UPS, US Postal Ser­vice, or FedEx. 

And that was, per­haps, what Ama­zon was striv­ing for all along. 

“The fact is that Ama­zon has always been a logis­tics and sup­ply-chain com­pa­ny,” Michael Zakkour, the vice pres­i­dent of glob­al dig­i­tal com­merce and new retail at Tomp­kins Inter­na­tion­al, pre­vi­ous­ly told Busi­ness Insid­er. “The great­est trick that Jeff Bezos ever pulled is allow­ing peo­ple to believe that he wants to cre­ate the every­thing store. Bezos has con­cen­trat­ed his invest­ments around logis­tics and tech­nol­o­gy.”

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