The pandemic and the hiring industry – Job Board Doctor

: pandemic work

Six months into the pan­dem­ic, it seems obvi­ous – to me, at least – that the hir­ing indus­try (includ­ing job boards) is not going to go up in a puff of smoke. It felt like that was a dis­tinct pos­si­bil­i­ty dur­ing the first shock of lock­down, with tens of mil­lions out of work, the in free fall, and what can only be called a unco­or­di­nat­ed response through­out the globe. Luck­i­ly, we’re past that now.

However…it is also clear that changes are occur­ring, many of which I sus­pect we still don’t quite under­stand or even see. First, whether employ­ers want it or not, remote work­ing is here to stay. I think in some areas it will dimin­ish after a vac­cine is wide­ly dis­trib­uted, mak­ing work­ing in phys­i­cal prox­im­i­ty a pos­si­bil­i­ty again. For oth­er areas, it may have con­signed ‘office work’ to the dust­bin. For exam­ple, dur­ing my recent (unwant­ed) inter­ac­tions with my phone com­pa­ny, it turned out that all sup­port staff I talked to was work­ing from home. Giv­en the mar­gins in the phone biz, I’m bet­ting that the com­pa­ny decides they’d rather save the mon­ey and keep those peo­ple at home, instead of pay­ing for an office.

It’s also clear that many jobs sim­ply don’t work as ‘remote’ – your den­tist will con­tin­ue to need to stick her in your mouth, for exam­ple. But many jobs are falling into a gray area – yes, they can be done remote­ly, but it isn’t opti­mal. Think about for chil­dren ages 5 to 10, for exam­ple; they can cer­tain­ly be asked to sit in front of their com­put­ers (if they have one) and do lessons, but is this real­ly the best for those chil­dren? A key part of ear­ly learn­ing is inter­ac­tion with the phys­i­cal world – some­thing that is dif­fi­cult for teach­ers to repli­cate using a remote mod­el.

Then there are the mil­lions of work­ers who don’t have a spare room, a com­put­er, and a reli­able inter­net con­nec­tion. For them, the work world just got much small­er. Until the vac­cine comes, they can stay unem­ployed – or risk their lives to work in jobs that require con­tact with oth­ers, for employ­ers who may or may not pro­vide ade­quate PPE.

So there is still much work to be done – and a need for employ­ers to hire. But the cards in the have been shuf­fled – and that affects the inter­me­di­aries, i.e., the job boards and recruit­ing firms. How do you fit work­ers from a dra­mat­i­cal­ly changed indus­try such as into a dif­fer­ent indus­try that real­ly needs them? How do you employ­ers dis­close what they are doing to pro­vide a safe work space – legal­ly and eth­i­cal­ly? And how do you get your own back to a growth tra­jec­to­ry when there are still mil­lions of peo­ple out of work, and thou­sands of busi­ness­es clos­ing?

I don’t have the answers but I do have a sug­ges­tion: now is an excel­lent time to sur­vey your can­di­dates and employ­ers out what is actu­al­ly hap­pen­ing on the ground with them. For employ­ers: are there can­di­dates they need but can’t find? For can­di­dates: what are the key things an employ­er could offer that make them say ‘yes’?

Most of all, stay alert.  The pan­dem­ic is a med­ical – and a emer­gency – and a human emer­gency. That makes for a volatile sit­u­a­tion.

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