The (Nearly) Glacial Timescale of Planning

“We at CP&DR are used to these long time­frames. Some­times our biggest chal­lenge is whether to cov­er a project month, a year now, or three years from some. Some­times, it lit­er­al­ly no dif­fer­ence, since a sto­ry today would end up being the as a sto­ry a year from now. And yet, there are that, no mat­ter how impor­tant strain even our patience and that illus­trate how creaky Cal­i­for­nia plan­ning can be some­times. In some cas­es, we have writ­ten about them, writ­ten about them again, and then pret­ty much writ­ten them off. In oth­ers, we’ve been grat­i­fied to see improve­ments and even com­ple­tions while also mar­veling at how many more grey hairs we’ve gained in the inter­im.” 

Fea­tur­ing the Hol­ly­wood Plan, Hunters Point Ship­yard, Con­cord Naval Weapons , Cal­i­for­nia High Speed Rail, and many more! 

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