Seattle Extends Outdoor Dining for a Year, Eases Rules on Heaters for the Winter — News

The city of Seat­tle has extend­ed its out­door din­ing pro­gram until Octo­ber 2021, accord­ing to an arti­cle by Gabe Guar­ente. The city’s free, expe­dit­ed per­mit pro­gram had been sched­uled to expire at the end of the month.

“In addi­tion, the city now be issu­ing free tent and heater for who wish to win­ter­ize their patios, and out­door din­ing equip­ment can remain out­side 24/7. Pre­vi­ous­ly, the Seat­tle Depart­ment did not allow heat­ing ele­ments out­side with­out a cost­ly per­mit, even if the estab­lish­ment already had side­walk or streets cor­doned off, and restau­rants need­ed to prop­er­ly store equip­ment (like heat lamps) inside after clos­ing,” reports Guar­ante.

At the time of Guar­ente’s writ­ing, the city had issued 151 out­door din­ing per­mits. Com­pare that total to recent­ly report­ed fig­ures from , where 328 per­mits for the city’s shared spaces plat­form (SSP) pro­gram have allowed restau­rants to place tables in spaces.

Seat­tle now joins a grow­ing ros­ter of that have extend­ed out­door din­ing pro­grams installed dur­ing the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic. In Sep­tem­ber, City announced that its pro­gram would be made per­ma­nent.

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