Outdoor Dining No Refuge From the Danger of Cars — News

“A woman has been declared dead from injuries she in a vio­lent crash where a dri­ver lost con­trol of his SUV and plowed into a group of peo­ple out­doors at the Grand Cen­tu­ry mall Sun­day, accord­ing to San Jose police,” report Robert Salan­ga and Mag­gie Angst from San José, Cal­i­for­nia.

Eight peo­ple, includ­ing the deceased, were injured dur­ing the crash, which was cap­tured by sur­veil­lance video that is cir­cu­lat­ing online that shows the graph­ic and dis­turb­ing footage of the SUV plow­ing over curbs and direct­ly into the din­ing area.

“The dri­ver of the white 2000 4Runner, described by police as a 69-year-old man who claims he acci­den­tal­ly accel­er­at­ed while try­ing to , was also injured,” accord­ing to the arti­cle. Police are also say­ing that the dri­ver have suf­fered a med­ical emer­gency before dri­ving the vehi­cle through the crowd.

The tragedy rais­es new ques­tions about the safe­ty of al fres­co din­ing pro­grams imple­ment­ed around the coun­try, includ­ing in San José, as an eco­nom­ic relief mea­sure for restau­rants dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Elis­a­beth Han­dler, spokesper­son for the city’s eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment office, is quot­ed in the arti­cle say­ing the restau­rant did not have a per­mit to par­tic­i­pate in the city’s out­door din­ing pro­gram.

Besides a lay­er of over­sight, the Al Fres­co pro­gram avails busi­ness­es to free met­al rail­ings and con­crete bar­ri­ers for cer­tain out­door din­ing setups, though they are pri­mar­i­ly used for road clo­sures and parklets next to active traf­fic lanes. The city does not a spe­cif­ic bar­ri­er type, but works with indi­vid­ual busi­ness­es to pro­vide bar­ri­ers to those who request them, said Nan­ci Klein, the city’s direc­tor of eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment.

Still, San José, a noto­ri­ous­ly car-cen­tric city, saw a sim­i­lar inci­dent near­by on the same day, accord­ing to the arti­cle: “About six hours after the crash at Grand Cen­tu­ry, anoth­er vio­lent col­li­sion occurred a mile away on Sto­ry Road involv­ing anoth­er dri­ver who claimed to have acci­den­tal­ly accel­er­at­ed while try­ing to park, caus­ing her Ford F‑150 pick­up truck to hit a cart and kill a man.”

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