Western Wear E‑commerce: Unisex Footwear

Job Description

I’m look­ing for an expe­ri­enced e‑commerce web­site design­er to devel­op an engag­ing, user-friend­ly plat­form tar­get­ing both gen­ders. The pri­ma­ry focus of our web­site will be the sale of West­ern wear footwear, hats, belts. Spe­cial fea­tures to enhance cus­tomer expe­ri­ence should include:

— 360-degree prod­uct view func­tion­al­i­ty

Ide­al skills and expe­ri­ence for this job are:

— Proven expe­ri­ence in e‑commerce web­site devel­op­ment

— Pro­fi­cien­cy in cre­at­ing user inter­faces for both male and female audi­ence

— Pre­vi­ous work on sites sell­ing footwear would be a plus

— Expe­ri­ence in imple­ment­ing 360-degree prod­uct view func­tion­al­i­ty.

‑Works with sophi­fy.

Web­site Design eCom­merce HTML PHP Graph­ic Design

Project ID: #38453945

About the project

140 pro­pos­als Open for bid­ding Remote project Active 2 hours ago

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