How job boards are responding to the pandemic, round three – Job Board Doctor

: covid 19This the in a series of posts on how the job board indus­try has been respond­ing to the COVID 19 pan­dem­ic – which I wished I could say is get­ting bet­ter, but does­n’t seem to be. The world is open­ing up, bit by bit, and we’re all learn­ing to liv­ing with the virus. Let’s take a look at the lat­est devel­op­ments:

  • Head­hunter’s Talan­tix launch­es remote inter­view­ing: Talan­tix, an online recruit­ment plat­form owned by Rus­sia-based recruit­ment ver­ti­cal Head­Hunter, has launched a remote inter­view ser­vice. It oper­ates on Microsoft Teams and allows recruiters to inter­view can­di­dates remote­ly. Recruiters can invite and sched­ule can­di­dates for video inter­views on the Talan­tix plat­form. Can­di­dates can use any device to take the call. Good !
  • Lay­Of­fers con­nects job seek­ers with recruiters: Lay­Of­fers, a new online ser­vice that con­nects job seek­ers with recruiters, will now pro­vide users with con­tact infor­ma­tion for some 370,000 recruiters; the con­tact infor­ma­tion comes from Zoom­In­fo. The site also allows recruiters to search can­di­dates by pre­vi­ous employ­er, as well as job type, indus­try, years of expe­ri­ence and key­word. Sev­er­al thou­sand recruiters and can­di­dates have joined the site each week since launch, Lay­Of­fers said. Inter­est­ing move.
  • Tribepad adds remote hir­ing fea­tures: UK-based recruit­ment soft­ware provider Tribepad has launched two new fea­tures to its video inter­view­ing plat­form: live inter­views and smart trans­la­tions. Recruiters can sched­ule inter­views direct­ly on the plat­form, based on the can­di­date’s avail­abil­i­ty, and can secure­ly store video record­ings of any inter­view. Tribepad’s smart trans­la­tion tool sup­ports recruit­ment teams look­ing to hire inter­na­tion­al tal­ent. The sys­tem itself is avail­able in eleven lan­guages, includ­ing Chi­nese and Ara­bic, and can trans­late spo­ken answers using AI-enabled speech-to-text tran­scrip­tion, into Eng­lish or any of the oth­er avail­able lan­guages. Very cool!
  • CareList­ings offers free job post­ings: CareList­ings, a resource for fam­i­lies and care­givers locat­ing senior care facil­i­ties, now pro­vides nurs­ing homes, home care agen­cies, and assist­ed liv­ing facil­i­ties with free job post­ings to reach Cer­ti­fied Nurs­ing Assis­tants (CNA), Licensed Prac­ti­cal Nurs­es (LPN), and Reg­is­tered Nurs­es (RN) seek­ing employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. The CareList­ings plat­form also con­tains salary infor­ma­tion for CNAs, LPNs, and RNs across all U.S. states and major cities from 2013 to 2018. Smart.
  • Hack­er­Rank launch­es remote hir­ing option: Hack­er­Rank announced the launch of their Hack­er­Rank Remote Hir­ing Solu­tion. Code­Pair – a key part of the solu­tion – allows hir­ing man­agers to con­duct in-depth, repeat­able inter­views across 35 dif­fer­ent cod­ing lan­guages in a real pro­gram­ming envi­ron­ment to gain bet­ter on actu­al skills while ensur­ing can­di­dates have a devel­op­er-friend­ly expe­ri­ence. The solu­tion also includes Inter­view­er Score­cards and an Indus­try Stan­dard Skill Rubric. sense.
  • Pan­dem­ic affects ’s post­ings: Job post­ings on Indeed are down 34% year-over-year through May 29, the said in an analy­sis pub­lished June 2. The down­ward trends are most pro­nounced in occu­pa­tions direct­ly by COVID-19, includ­ing hos­pi­tal­i­ty and tourism. The pan­dem­ic has also impact­ed job post­ings for oth­er indus­tries: soft­ware devel­op­ment post­ings are down 36%, for exam­ple, while bank­ing and post­ings are down 51%. Wow.

As the pan­dem­ic con­tin­ues to shake the world’s employ­ment mar­kets, I think you can be cer­tain that our indus­try will keep adjust­ing. Here’s hop­ing things are look­ing up!

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