eBay ends sneaker seller fees for shoes sold at $100 or more

Sneak­er­heads could get more bang for their buck.

EBay, the online mar­ket­place for buy­ing and sell­ing new and used items, announced Tues­day it would imple­ment a zero-sell­ing fee on its inven­to­ry of sneak­ers for cus­tomers sell­ing pairs for $100 or more in the U.S. and Cana­da. The e‑commerce pre­vi­ous­ly charged up to 10 for sell­ers, a deter­rence for some users to sell on the plat­form.

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(Pho­to by Melodie Jeng/Getty Images)

“EBay con­tin­ues to be a top source for emerg­ing and col­lectible styles, and with high , we want our sell­ers and buy­ers to get in on the action,” Jeff Chan, head of men’s footwear and appar­el at eBay said in a state­ment. “For our of diehard sneak­er­heads, elim­i­nat­ing sell­ing fees allows them to turn their kicks into more cash to fund future pur­chas­es, and results in a more robust sneak­er inven­to­ry for shop­pers every­where.”

EBay has sold near­ly 6 mil­lion sneak­ers on the site in 2019, with near­ly 1.5 mil­lion live sneak­er list­ings on the site cur­rent­ly, the com­pa­ny said. The to elim­i­nate the sneak­er sell­er fee will help the site grow its selec­tion of rare sneak­er styles, whether it’s a pair of Kanye West­’s Yeezy 70 Waverun­ner’s sell­ing at a start­ing bid of $300, or Off White X Air Jor­dan’s new at a start­ing price of $1,900.

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EBay is launch­ing its Drop series in part­ner­ship with top sneak­er sell­er Sta­di­um Goods fea­tur­ing from brands like Yeezy, Nike x Sacai and Air Jor­dan x Travis Scott. (Cour­tesy of eBay). 


Some of the most brands up for sale include retro high-top Jor­dan sneak­ers, Adi­das, Balen­ci­a­ga and New Bal­ance.

And main­stream retail­ers are cash­ing in on the fash­ion footwear too. Foot Lock­er announced its $100 mil­lion invest­ment in GOAT in Feb. GOAT said it would use the fund­ing to expand glob­al­ly. There’s clear­ly a mar­ket for it, con­sid­er­ing the com­pa­ny sold more than $10 mil­lion worth of sneak­ers in 2018, up from $2 mil­lion in the pre­vi­ous year, accord­ing to TechCrunch.

EBay will also part­ner with Satium Goods, sneak­er-resale e‑commerce site, to debut sneak­ers from Kanye West­’s brand Yeezy on Tues­day.


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