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Commentary: Should online job interviews become the norm in a world of virtual work?

Commentary: Should online job interviews become the norm in a world of virtual work?

commentary: should online job interviews become the norm in a

: istock 1097271132

Recruiters know it often only takes a few moments to realise the can­di­date may be a wrong fit for the role. A inter­view can mean more screened in less time, with­out the com­mut­ing time to boot.

Many now also include a pre-record­ed video com­po­nent known as video inter­views (AVIs), where can­di­dates a series of ques­tions and their respons­es are either screened through arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence eval­u­at­ing visu­al infor­ma­tion, ver­bal key­words, or tone of voice, or passed to hir­ers who can sift through the record­ings.

This is extreme­ly con­ve­nient for hir­ers as it is an asyn­chro­nous process. Videos also may be espe­cial­ly valu­able if the job they are hir­ing has an ele­ment of being able to present and com­mu­ni­cate well vir­tu­al­ly.


Cer­tain­ly, vir­tu­al inter­views also have a few draw­backs can make in-per­son meet­ings more attrac­tive. First, there is the issue of access – for both and can­di­date — to a sta­ble Inter­net con­nec­tion and a com­put­er to make the inter­view effec­tive.

I have seen cor­po­rate human resources staff such poor Inter­net and shod­dy micro­phones that it severe­ly impaired the flow of the inter­view. It can also be unfair and dis­crim­i­nate against can­di­dates of low­er social-eco­nom­ic if access to tech­nol­o­gy impacts their chances of get­ting the job.

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