Candidate Basic Profile Pack
JOIN THE WAGONThis packÂage makes your proÂfile accesÂsiÂble for pubÂlic view. This is our basic packÂage that allows you to search and apply for jobs entireÂly FREE
- UnlimÂitÂed ValidÂiÂty
- Free 24/7 online ProÂfesÂsionÂal ProÂfile Page to marÂket your brand
- DedÂiÂcatÂed ProÂfesÂsionÂal ProÂfile URL
- DedÂiÂcatÂed Resume ManÂagÂer
- UnlimÂitÂed CV & CovÂer LetÂters with DedÂiÂcatÂed Tab for ManÂageÂment
- ProÂfile AdverÂtised Online and to Recruiters From Over 12,000 PartÂner Sites
- Link Your OthÂer Social ProÂfiles — Your WebÂsite, LinkedIn, FaceÂbook, TwitÂter, InstaÂgram, TumÂblr, Google and more
- ShowÂcase Your HonÂors and Awards Online
- Direct Access to Recruiters through Mail, Phone & Chat
- SetÂup, schedÂule and manÂage your InterÂviews and meetÂings directÂly from your account
- Access to preÂmiÂum career manÂageÂment tools
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
- Many More FeaÂtures WaitÂing for You to DisÂcovÂer
Candidate Elite Profile Pack
SUPERCHARGE YOUR PROFILEIncludes the basic packÂage plus access to and by head-hunters and recruiters from partÂner sites. ComÂplete with proÂfile picÂtures and banÂners, a dedÂiÂcatÂed dashÂboard to manÂage your proÂfile, resumes, appliÂcaÂtion and subÂscripÂtions and much much more.
- Valid for 30 Days
- Free 24/7 online ProÂfesÂsionÂal ProÂfile Page to marÂket your brand
- DedÂiÂcatÂed ProÂfesÂsionÂal ProÂfile URL
- DedÂiÂcatÂed Resume ManÂagÂer
- UnlimÂitÂed CV & CovÂer LetÂters with DedÂiÂcatÂed Tab for ManÂageÂment
- ProÂfile AdverÂtised Online and to Recruiters From Over 12,000 PartÂner Sites
- Link Your OthÂer Social ProÂfiles — Your WebÂsite, LinkedIn, FaceÂbook, TwitÂter, InstaÂgram, TumÂblr, Google and more
- ShowÂcase Your HonÂors and Awards Online
- Direct Access to Recruiters through Mail, Phone & Chat
- SetÂup, schedÂule and manÂage your InterÂviews and meetÂings directÂly from your account
- Access to preÂmiÂum career manÂageÂment tools
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
- Many More FeaÂtures WaitÂing for You to DisÂcovÂer
Candidate VIP Profile Pack
YOUR PROFILE ON STEROIDSThis packÂage makes your proÂfile accesÂsiÂble for pubÂlic view. Includes access to and by head-hunters and recruiters from partÂner sites. ComÂplete with proÂfile picÂtures and banÂners, a dedÂiÂcatÂed dashÂboard to manÂage your proÂfile, resumes, appliÂcaÂtion and subÂscripÂtions. DisÂplay your portÂfoÂlios, honÂors and awards, link your othÂer social proÂfiles, and much much more.
- Valid for 30 Days
- Free 24/7 online ProÂfesÂsionÂal ProÂfile Page to marÂket your brand
- DedÂiÂcatÂed ProÂfesÂsionÂal ProÂfile URL
- DedÂiÂcatÂed Resume ManÂagÂer
- UnlimÂitÂed CV & CovÂer LetÂters with DedÂiÂcatÂed Tab for ManÂageÂment
- ProÂfile AdverÂtised Online and to Recruiters From Over 12,000 PartÂner Sites
- Link Your OthÂer Social ProÂfiles — LinkedIn, FaceÂbook, TwitÂter, InstaÂgram, TumÂblr, Google and more
- ShowÂcase Your HonÂors and Awards Online
- Direct Access to Recruiters through Mail, Phone & Chat
- SetÂup, schedÂule and manÂage your InterÂviews and meetÂings directÂly from your account
- Access to preÂmiÂum career manÂageÂment tools
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
- Many More FeaÂtures WaitÂing for You to DisÂcovÂer
Welcome Pack
First step to becomÂing everyÂthing you want to beThis is our free welÂcome packÂage. WelÂcome to JoblyJobs.
- One-Time Apply 2 PreÂmiÂum Jobs
- Free Access to Apply PartÂner Jobs
- ValidÂiÂty — UnlimÂitÂed
- Access to FeaÂtured / Urgent Jobs
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
Standard Pack
First step to becomÂing everyÂthing you want to beThis pack comes with all you need to start huntÂing for a betÂter tomorÂrow.
- Apply 12 PreÂmiÂum Jobs
- Free Access to Apply PartÂner Jobs
- ValidÂiÂty — 30 Days
- Access to FeaÂtured / Urgent Jobs
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
Boost Pack
First step to becomÂing everyÂthing you want to beBoost your results with more preÂmiÂum jobs and longer validÂiÂty
- Apply 25 PreÂmiÂum Jobs
- Free Access to Apply PartÂner Jobs
- ValidÂiÂty — 90 Days
- Access to FeaÂtured / Urgent Jobs
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
Commander Pack
ComÂmand the rest with this super pack with 2 months validÂiÂty and access to jobs
- Apply 60 PreÂmiÂum Jobs
- Free Access to Apply All PartÂner Jobs
- Valid for 60 Days
- Access to FeaÂtured Jobs
- Access to Urgent Jobs
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
Urgency Pack
Use this packÂage to place an urgency tag on your proÂfile to show employÂers and head hunters that you are presentÂly open to new offers. UrgentÂly
- Place Urgency Tag on Your ProÂfile
- Attract Head Hunters and EmployÂers Fast
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7
Promo Pack
ProÂmote your proÂfile to the top of the list and get quickÂly noticed by employÂers. Get your proÂfile adverÂtised to site visÂiÂtors
- ProÂmotes Your ProÂfile to The Top of canÂdiÂdate Lists
- ProÂmotes Your Job AppliÂcaÂtions to the Top of employÂer List
- Get easÂiÂly noticed, more brand expoÂsure
- PreÂmiÂum SupÂport 24/7