Blog Comments Policy

We encour­age and wel­come com­ments on our blog. We would also like to thank every­one who takes their time out in post­ing com­ments on JoblyJobs.

We gen­er­al­ly post all the com­ments which are use­ful to all of our read­ers. How­ev­er, there are cer­tain instances where we edit or delete the comment(s). This includes:

  • Com­ments that are post­ed sole­ly for the pur­pose of pro­mo­tion.
  • Com­ments that are spam or have a spam­my nature.
  • Com­ments which use vul­gar lan­guage or swear words.
  • Com­ments which attack / harass anoth­er per­son indi­vid­u­al­ly.

We rec­om­mend every­one to fol­low our com­ment pol­i­cy rules to help you keep the blog a con­struc­tive place for dis­cus­sion. We reserve the right to edit or delete com­ments sub­mit­ted to this blog at any time with­out notice. The com­ment pol­i­cy may be changed at any point of time.